An institution has approved your job posting, and you've started receiving applications—great! Now what? This article provides an overview of resources to help you manage your job applicants in Handshake.
Features available only to Premium partners are indicated by an asterisk (*). For more information, please check out this resource.
Access applicants
Click Jobs from the left navigation, select the job you want to manage applicants for, then click the Applicants tab.
All applicants will be displayed on the page, along with columns for their institution name, course, the number of qualifications they meet, their application status, and the date of their application.
Filter applicants
To refine your search results, click the white button All filters above the applicant table.
You can also search for the candidate by typing their name in the keyword search bar.
You can filter applicants by:
- Pending
- Reviewed
- Rejected
- Hired
- Courses
- Institutions
- Application date range
- Invited to apply
Where candidate applied
- This filter only appears if you've specified that candidates should apply through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
- Handshake
- This filter only appears if you've specified that candidates should apply through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
- Skills
- Labels
- Not labels
Matching qualifications
To view only candidates who meet all or some of your qualifications, select from the options within the Matching qualifications filter.
- Latest graduation date
- Grade
- Courses
Work authorisation
- Note: when this option is selected, all candidates who meet your work authorisation criteria or chose not to disclose their status will be displayed.
Manage applicants
To manage a candidate, check the box to the left of their name. To select all candidates, check the box in the upper-right corner of the table.
When one or more candidates are selected, the header will update to display the following actions you can take on individual or multiple candidates:
Message candidates
- Learn more about Messaging Applicants.
- Manage labels
- Mark applications Hired
- Mark applications Rejected
- Read more about Managing Applicant Status.
- Download applicant data (CSV)
- Download applicant data (PDF)
- Download applicant data (ZIP)
- Learn how to Download Applications / Create a CV Book.
Rate applicants
Note: applicants cannot view the rating that is applied, nor comments that are applied to the rating.
Click the candidate's name to access their profile, then navigate to the Rate this applicant section on the right side of the page.
- To rate the applicant as a good fit, click the black button Good fit.
- To rate the applicant as not a good fit, click the black button Not a fit.
- If you select this rating, you can indicate why the applicant is not a good fit by choosing from the available radio button options.
- You can also click the hyperlinked text Add comment to leave a comment for the rating.
- After typing the comment in the textbox, click the white button Submit comment.
- You can also click the hyperlinked text Add comment to leave a comment for the rating.
Once the applicant has been assessed, the rating column in the applicant table will display their rating.