In Handshake, virtual info chats offer employers a convenient way to connect with students using our integrated video feature.
To make scheduling these chats easier, you can attach your availability calendar to individual and bulk messages.
Note: Handshake's integrated video feature is incorporated into all availability calendars for all employers. If you prefer, you may use a different video provider and share the link with your candidate(s).
Features available to Premium partners only are indicated by an asterisk (*). For more information, please check out this resource.
Availability calendars can be attached to messages sent through the following pages:
Jobs (matches)
When inviting your matched candidates to apply for your job posting, you can also promote your availability calendar. Learn more about Job Matches.
1. Click Jobs from the left navigation bar in Handshake, then select the job for which you want to promote your availability calendar for. From here, click the Matches tab.
2. On the Matches table, check the box to the left of each relevant candidate(s) name, then click the blue button Invite to apply.
- Jobs for which you've specified candidate preferences for (course, graduation date, or level of study) displays Top matches, which are the most relevant candidates based on the job's selected preferences.
- To invite specific candidates within this section, click the white button Message, located within their profile card.
- To invite all Top matches, click the black button Invite to apply in the upper-right corner of the page.
3. As soon as you invite a candidate(s) to apply, a Message Preview modal opens. Within this modal, click the text Edit message.
4. In the message composer, make any desired edits to your message, then click the blue text Include... From here, select My availability.
5. In the pop-up modal, select to attach either your availability, or *your teammate's availability, then click the blue button Attach. To finish attaching your or your teammate's availability calendar, refer to the section Attach an availability calendar.
Employers can share their availability calendars with students affiliated with institutions they are approved by. Explore A Guide to Talent List.
1. Click Talent from the left navigation bar.
2. In the student table, check the box to the left of each candidate you want to connect with, then click the blue button Message.
- To message a single student, click the button Message located to the far right of their name.
- To message multiple students, click the button Message in the upper-right corner of the page.
3. In the message composer, make any desired edits to your message, then click the blue text Include From here, select My availability.
To finish attaching your or your teammate's availability calendar, refer to the section Attach an availability calendar.
Attach an availability calendar
- Basic employers can only attach their availability calendar.
*Premium partners can attach their availability calendar or that of a teammate.
- To attach a teammate's availability calendar, refer to the section Attach a teammate's availability calendar.
If your availability has already been configured, the modal will display the number of sessions available. Confirm the details, then click the blue button Attach to proceed.
If availability has not yet been configured, the modal displays the message "Looks like you don't have any availability set up. Set some up now.". To set up availability, click the text Set up my availability.
Attach a teammate's availability calendar
1. To attach a teammate's availability, select A Teammates's Availability, then choose the teammate from the dropdown.
- If availability has already been configured for your teammate, the modal displays the number of their available sessions in a green banner. Confirm the details, then click the blue button Attach to proceed.
- If availability has not yet been configured, the modal displays the message "[TEAMMATE NAME] has no availability set up." To proceed, click the blue text Set up availability on their behalf below the message in the banner.
2. To configure your teammate's calendar availability, complete the following fields:
Length of Meetings
- Virtual info chats are 15 minutes and cannot be changed.
- Click into the Date field and select the date in the calendar modal.
- Select the start and end time from the drop-down menus.
- Click into the Timezone field and select your timezone.
Does this event repeat? (frequency)
- If Yes: set the frequency (Repeat every "NUMBER" of Week / Month), days of the week (Repeat on one or many), and Ends after "NUMBER" of occurrences.
3. Once the fields are complete, click the blue button Attach.
4. When a calendar is attached, the message composer displays a grey button with your name or teammate's name and a calendar icon.
For more information on accessing and managing availability, check out Availability Calendars for Virtual Info Chats!