Coco is Handshake's AI-powered career copilot for students. Coco is designed with the intent to support students in their career, professional, and academic pursuits.
To ensure the safe and responsible use of Coco, we've outlined policies that apply to all users. Adherence to these guidelines is critical to maintaining the integrity and purpose of Coco.
Coco is currently in beta. If Coco isn't an option for you at this time, this means your school doesn't currently have the tool.
Usage Policies
1. Scope of Use: Coco is intended solely for career, professional, and academic contexts. Any other use, especially those outlined in the prohibited categories below, is strictly against our guidelines.
2. Compliance: Users are expected to comply with these policies. Violation may result in a temporary suspension or permanent ban from using Coco.
3. Updates: Our policies may evolve over time based on user feedback and changing norms. Always refer to the most recent version of our guidelines.
Disallowed Usage
1. Illegal Activities: Handshake strictly prohibits the use of Coco for any illegal activities.
2. Harmful Content:
- Use that promotes or encourages self-harm, suicide, or any harmful behaviors.
- Content that expresses or promotes hate, bullying, or harassment.
- Content glorifying or celebrating violence and suffering.
3. Deceptive Practices: Using Coco for scams, fraudulent activities, astroturfing, disinformation, or any form of deceit is prohibited.
4. Academic Dishonesty: Any form of plagiarism, cheating, or academic misconduct using Coco is not permitted.
5. Economic Harm: Activities that promote multi-level marketing, gambling, payday lending, or any other potential financial scams are strictly forbidden.
6. Violation of Privacy:
- Using Coco to track, monitor, or identify individuals without consent.
- Unauthorized collection or sharing of personal information or sensitive records.
7. Misinformation: Use of Coco to spread false or misleading information, especially in crucial areas like health, finance, or law, is not allowed.
8. Inappropriate Content: Adult content, erotica, or any content meant to arouse is strictly against our guidelines.
9. Misuse of AI Technology: Relying on Coco for tailored legal, financial, or medical advice without consulting with qualified professionals is discouraged.
10. Unlawful Data Usage: Any action that involves the unlawful collection, use, or dissemination of personal data, educational records, or other protected records is prohibited.
11. High-Risk Activities: Coco should not be used for high-risk governmental decisions, critical infrastructure operations, weapons development, or any other activities that might pose substantial risks.
12. Personal Information: Users should not share personally identifiable information (PII) with Coco.
Your commitment to adhering to these guidelines ensures that Coco remains a trusted and valuable tool for all users. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
For information on using Coco and providing feedback on interactions, refer to Coco: Your Virtual Career Copilot.