Handshake provides you with two opportunities to upload a new document, including:
- My Documents section (found in your settings)
- When signing up for your first session at a virtual fair
No matter how you upload your first document, each prompt includes the same fields and process.
Handshake Supported Documents
You can upload a variety of document types, including resumes, cover letters, transcripts, work samples, and any additional documents requested by the employer.
Document uploads must be 1MB or less, and files should be in the following formats:
- PDF (preferred)
- .DOC
If you upload a document that exceeds the size limit, an error will appear in red stating "Max file size of 1MB exceeded."
Upload a document
1. Click on your account icon in the upper-right corner of Handshake, then click My Documents from the dropdown.
2. Upload your document.
- If you haven't uploaded a document before, you can drag and drop your file to the screen, or click the button Upload a document, located in the middle of the page.
- If you've already uploaded at least one document, click the button New Document, located in the upper-right corner of the page.
3. Add the following:
- Document file (add from computer)
- Click on the field Choose file to upload a document from your computer
Document Name (text field)
- This field defaults to the file name of your document. However, you can change it by clicking in the text box and typing the desired name within the field!
- Tip: If you're uploading a resume for a specific application, include the company name in the Document Name for future reference!
- This field defaults to the file name of your document. However, you can change it by clicking in the text box and typing the desired name within the field!
Document Type (dropdown)
- Choose the corresponding document type: Resume, Cover Letter, Transcript, Other Document
- Tip: Pay special attention to the document type! If you upload a transcript but set the document type as resume, it won't be included in your list of transcript documents when applying for jobs. Make sure the document type accurately represents the document.
- Choose the corresponding document type: Resume, Cover Letter, Transcript, Other Document
- Public (check box)
- Check the box if you want your profile to be made viewable to employers. If kept private, documents will be stored here for use when applying to jobs and interviews. To learn more about this, check out Understanding Document Visibility.
Description (text field)
- Add a description of the uploaded document if relevant or desired!
4. Once everything looks good, click the black button Save to complete the upload.
While the document uploads, an "upload processing" signal is displayed in the center of the page. When the upload is finished, the PDF of your resume will be available to review, replace, or take actions such as editing, downloading, or deleting your document.
For more information on editing or deleting documents, refer to How to Edit or Delete a Document.
If you encounter an error during your upload, refer to Document Upload Error for more information.
If after uploading your document, there's a banner stating "Your career center is reviewing this document", this means your career center is reviewing your document. Check out Document Status in Handshake for more information.