This resource for our EDU partners provides an overview of Handshake's Premium offering for employers.
What is Handshake Premium Employer offering?
Handshake’s Employer Premium offering provides services that augment employers’ recruiting strategy, including enhanced branding, advanced analytics, and additional sourcing capabilities.
In addition, we offer solutions for Virtual Recruiting for Employers on Handshake.
Enhanced Branding on Handshake
Premium Employer profiles on Handshake can include recruiting videos, company newsfeeds and additional customized content like employee spotlights and FAQs depending on the background of the student viewing the page. For example, a student studying computer science might see information about working as a developer, while a marketing major would see details about working in a marketing role!
This feature allows premium employers to highlight their brand even more dynamically, and tailor content specifically for students they’re trying to hire!
Advanced analytics
Handshake offers advanced analytics so companies can make data-driven decisions on how to optimize their recruiting bandwidth - which new schools to target and which student segments to engage based on their open positions. Analytics reports can also include return on investment (ROI) analysis of events and career fairs, message read / reply rates, and competitor benchmarking metrics (based on anonymized data from multiple competitors) on job views and applications.
Similar to the trends we’re seeing in higher education, recruiting organizations are becoming more metrics driven. Handshake’s premium offering helps employers prove the efficacy of their recruiting efforts!
Additional Messaging and Sourcing Capabilities
Premium Employers can drive groups of students to their jobs and events with messaging at scale using Handshake’s Smart Campaigns. Capabilities include…
- Using advanced filters - querying public profile information like skills, organizations, previous work experiences, and location preferences - to define targeted groups of students to reach out to. Employers are not able to see the list of individual students included in these groups.
- Note: The ability to search on Labels is only for labels that the employers apply to students, not labels that career services apply to their own students.
- Leveraging specific templates and personalization to ensure each student in a Campaign feels like the message is crafted just for them.
- Planning ahead and scheduling outreach ahead of campus visits.
- Scheduling up to 5000 messages per campaign.
Premium employers can still only message students who have opted to make their profiles public to employers or who have previously interacted with that employer through Handshake (e.g. applying for a job or attending an event).
EDU Partners FAQs on Handshake’s Premium Employer offering
Can I share Premium Employer information with school’s employer partners?
Yes! We encourage our school partners to share employer information with our recruiting contacts. We encourage you to share our dedicated Premium site where employers can request a demo from our Sales Team at any time.
As an institution, how can we identify those employers who have the Talent Engagement Suite?
We do not have a public facing view of premium employers at this time but our team continues to consider how to share awareness of premium employers with school teams. We do need to keep in mind balancing any privacy requested by the employers as well, so these things are top of mind for our Teams as we continue to develop this.
What data is shared with premium employers?
Advanced analytics reports include information on the employer’s own data (e.g. applications, event attendance, message read and reply rates). Handshake also provides premium employers with aggregate benchmarking analytics enabling insightful examination of the competitive landscape.
Are opportunities posted by premium employers ranked higher on the job search page?
No - opportunities posted by premium employers are not given preferential ranking on the job search page.
How many employers have signed up for premium?
Handshake currently has hundreds of employers subscribed to the premium employer offering! We’re excited to watch this number continue to grow!
Are there different types and pricing options for premium offerings?
Yes! Handshake's Premium offering isn't a one size fits all model, as our team recognizes that distinct types of companies and organizations will leverage different recruiting tools. With this, we do not offer pricing until our Premium Partnerships team has had the opportunity to speak with the employer about their goals.
What kinds of employers are using the Handshake Premium Offering?
Employers across various industries (from big banks and consulting firms to non-profits and educational organizations) have found value in Handshake Premium! Employer partners also include companies of all wide range of sizes from across the country.
Do premium employers have a dedicated Handshake representative?
Certain tiers of the premium employer offering include access to a dedicated account manager. This person acts as a resource for the company, helping to build messaging campaigns, pulling analytics reports, and advising on the best ways to use Handshake overall.
Where can I go to stay informed about new premium features?
Our team is including details on new premium features in our weekly Product Announcements, posted in the Handshake Announcements section of the Handshake Community. Follow this page to stay in the know!
Where does the data from Under Represented Populations come from? Is this self-reported on the student profile or fed from the university? Also, how are employers able to target these populations while providing equal opportunities to students?
Students are not obligated to share information about their race or gender. As such, Handshake looks at a variety of factors for these groupings including: Interests, Organization Membership, and Institution. This also means that the groups are not 100% accurate.
For example, a man might be part of a women and engineering organization as an advocate. Because he is part of this organization, our system may include this student in the "Women / Female Identifying" Group even though he identifies as male.