The recommendations below can be followed if your company plans to conduct virtual interviews.
Are you a Handshake Premium partner? If so, check out Employer-hosted Meeting Scheduling, part of our Handshake Events Module.
Interview schedule name
Update the existing on-campus interview title to specify that the interview is virtual and add the word "virtual" to the title of any new schedule.
Add your video (meeting) link
After your interview has been updated to show that it will be conducted virtually, there are three ways to add your meeting link to the schedule:
- add the link to the interview schedule description
- add the link to the interviewer slots (once the schedule is approved and built by the school)
- partner with the school to discuss the possibility of adding a virtual meeting link to a school room.
Add the link to the interview schedule description
Include the virtual meeting link in the Interview Schedule Description section of the interview schedule form.
Note: this link does not display as a hyperlink, so students will need to copy and paste it into a browser window.
If you decide to use this method, we suggest sending a message to all interview candidates instructing them to review the description for the virtual URL. Learn more about Messaging Applicants.
Add the link to Interviewer field
Once the interview schedule is approved by the school and slots have been added, you can edit the "Interviewer" name on existing slots, and add a meeting link to the slots as appropriate.
1. Select the desired slot from the list. Alternatively, you can check the box to the left of the room name and click the blue button Edit Bulk Slots if you want to add the same meeting link to each slot.
2. In the pop-up modal, enter the meeting link in the Interviewer field, then click the blue button Save in the lower right.
3. Once saved, the meeting link will be displayed in the Interviewer column on the slot list.
Adding the link to the assigned room (only school can edit)
The school can also update their rooms by providing a meeting link and assigning it to the time slots.
Partner with the school to determine the most appropriate course of action, as only school staff can make these changes.
If the school adds the link to a room, the link will also display in the Interviewer column on the slot list.