Detailed below are the available actions post fair for each user type: Employers, Career Services, and Students.
Career Services reporting
Please refer to Virtual Fairs: Pre-Built Report Templates for customizable reports in Analytics!
Virtual career fair overview example:
Quick download and Handshake Analytics new fields
- Contacts with schedules
- Number of group sessions
- Number of 1:1 sessions
- Number of students signed up for group sessions
- Number of students sign up for 1:1 sessions
- Number of students that attended group sessions (joined the session, this can be used to count check ins!)
- Number of students that attended 1:1 sessions (joined the session, this can be used to count check ins!)
- No shows for 1:1 and group sessions
Note: As of October 2020, "Checked In" on students will be updated as long as a student joins at least one career fair session. "Checked In" will be updated on the following pages:
• Insights
• Registration Overview
• Quick Downloads
• Student Attendee Emails
All previous virtual fairs have also been updated with accurate checked in data for historical reporting.
Student Quick Download
To download the student quick download file, take these steps:
1. Navigate to the relevant fair in Handshake, then click on View Registered Students.
2. Click on the session name link in the popup.
3. Click on the blue button for Download Attendee CSV, in the upper-left corner of the page.
4. A popup will load on the page to confirm the report is building. You may wait for the report to finish and click the link to download, or you can close out the popup, as the report link will also be emailed to you.
Note: Missing the email? Try searching all mailboxes for the subject "Handshake download: Attendee Download", as it may have been filtered to a location other than your inbox.
If the email is missing altogether, reach out to our Support Team to see if there's a suppression on your email address (unsubscribe).
Student Quick Download Tips
- Review the number of students that registered by time using the Registered column, this is helpful to look at how many students registered on the day of the fair!
- Calculate the % of group session no shows by dividing the Number of group sessions by the Number of group no shows
- Calculate the % of 1:1 session no shows by dividing the Number of 1:1 sessions by the Number of 1:1 no shows
- If both no show % for a student are 0 then the student did not attend any of their sessions
- Calculate the total number of students signed up for 1:1 sessions by taking the sum of the Number of 1:1 sessions
- Calculate the total number of students signed up for group sessions by taking the sum of the Number of group sessions
All fields included in the student quick download:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Institution Name
- Registered
- Checked In (indicates Yes if student joins at least one session)
- Username
- College
- Majors
- School Year
- Number of group sessions
- Number of 1:1 sessions
- Number of group no shows
- Number of 1:1 no shows
Employer Quick Download
To download the employer quick download file, take these steps:
1. Navigate to the relevant fair in Handshake, then click on View Employers.
2. Put a check next to the desired employers, then click on Download in the upper-right corner of the page.
3. A popup will load on the page to confirm the report is building. You may wait for the report to finish and click the link to download, or you can close out the popup, as the report link will also be emailed to you.
Employer Quick Download Tips
- Calculate the % of filled 1:1s by dividing the Number of 1:1 Sessions by the Number of Students Signed Up for 1:1 Sessions
- Calculate the % of group session no shows by dividing the Number of Students Signed Up for Group Sessions by the Number of Group Session No Shows
- Calculate the % of 1:1 session no shows by dividing the Number of Students Signed Up for 1:1 Sessions by the Number of 1:1 Session No Shows
- Calculate the total number of students signed up for 1:1 sessions by taking the sum of the Number of Students Signed Up for 1:1 Sessions
- Calculate the total number of students signed up for group sessions by taking the sum of the Number of Students Signed Up for Group Sessions
All fields included in the employer quick download:
- Id
- Created at
- Updated at
- Career Fair
- Employer
- Employer Industry
- Description
- Website
- Division
- Created By Name
- Created By Email
- Requested Booth Options
- Assigned Booth Options
- Assigned Booth Numbers
- Assigned Booth Rooms
- Payment Method
- Registrant Name
- Registrant Email
- Status
- Payment Status
- Amount Due
- Total Paid
- Message
- Representatives Count
- Refund Policy Agreement
- Accept All Majors?
- Employment Types
- Jobs on Handshake
- Job Titles
- Majors
- Major Groups
- Combined Majors
- Job Types
- School Years
- Located in US?
- Accepts OPT/CPT candidates?
- Willing to sponsor candidate?
- Work Authorizations
- Last Charge
- Discounts
- Sessions + column for Session Day/Day/Time/Timezone
- Contact Names
- Contact Emails
- Users with Schedules Names
- Users with Schedules Emails
- Number of Group Sessions
- Number of Group Session No Shows
- Number of 1:1 Sessions
- Number of 1:1 No Shows
- Number of Students Signed Up for Group Sessions
- Number of Students Signed Up for 1:1 Sessions
Download session information & resumes
To download session information, take these steps:
1. Navigate to the relevant fair in Handshake, then click on Session Details.
2. Use the filters on the left of the page to identify the desired list of sessions, then put a check next to each session to include. Once you've checked one session, you'll be able to click Select All at the top of the list to select all results.
3. Click Download Session Information in the upper-right of the table display.
Bulk action to download session information: this bulk download will include the following details:
- Meeting ID
- Session Start Time
- Session End Time
- Employer Name
- Session Name
- Session Type
- Student Participant First Name
- Student Participant Last Name
- Student Participant Email Address
- Host Email List
- External video link
COMING SOON!!!! Bulk action to download students public resumes: this bulk download will include all public student resumes from the selected results.
- Note: the document must be marked as Visible (Featured on Profile) in order for it be included. See Understanding Document Visibility for more details (and share this with students to help them update their document settings).
Employer RSVPs
Employers have access to an RSVP table that will include student information for any students that registered for their sessions. They'll be able to download public documents from students that signed up for their sessions and initiate followup messages
- Download all RSVPs or check-ins
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Graduation Date
- Majors
- School
- Check-in
- Labels
- Notes
- Download Resumes
- Message Students: there is no 100 message limit with the career fair RSVP list.
For more employer actions post-fair, refer to Following Up After a Virtual Fair.
Students accessing previous sessions
Students can access the fair with a direct link to the fair or by browsing on the Events page with the filter "past events" selected. Students will have access to their previous sessions within the Your schedule list to the right of the page.
Students will receive a followup email after the fair concludes. Here's an example of that email:
How will interviews with employers work? Should employers still use the separate interview scheduling module?
- Employers should use the interview schedule section of Handshake to host interviews with students that occur outside of a career fair.
Will students, employers and career staff have access to transcripts of the chats they had during the virtual fair?
- Transcripts will not be provided for conversations held during the fair. Instead, there will be moderation options for students and employers to utilize during conversations.
Do we know approximately how many staff members will be needed to run and oversee the fair?
- We recommend that you staff a similar number of staff members for virtual fairs that you did for physical. The questions and support types will be different but we expect there to be a similar volume of questions.