The Help Center is your guide to everything Handshake! Articles are available for schools and institutions, employers, and students. This article will assist you with understanding our Help Center and how to make the most of it!
- Background
- Landing page
- Finding an article
- Best Practices: Finding information within an article
- Contacting Support
As Handshake has changed over the years, we've changed how our Help Center is designed as well. With these changes, we've included some functional changes to improve your experience in the Help Center! We'll discuss some of these additions under the Best Practices: Finding information within an Article section. To learn more about our landing page
Landing Page
When you first arrive to our help center, you'll find yourself on the landing page.
We'll go over the search bar in the section: Finding an article
Featured Articles
If you scroll down, you'll be able to identify Featured Articles. These are easily available so you can quickly navigate to them and find relevant information.
Additional Resources
We’ve included resources that aren’t directly related to our Help Center articles as well! Some of these resources include:
- Online training hub for EDU partners
- E-learning courses for employers
- Upcoming higher ed webinars
- System Status
Recent activity
When you scroll to the bottom of the landing page, the Recent activity section will appear. This reflects all actions taken by individuals in Help Center, Handshake Academy, and Community. In the example below, a post was created in Handshake Academy, a comment was added in the Events section, and an article was created in the Events section as well.
Finding an article
Most of our partners go to the Help Center to find assistance with a task that they're working on in Handshake. In other words, they're looking for help! Thankfully, we have an extensive library of articles that can assist EDU partners, employers, and students.
The search bar is located near the top-center of the any page in the help center. You can use the search bar to look up keywords, or exact titles of articles. When you begin typing, a dropdown menu will appear with relevant articles.
The screenshot below shows what the landing page for the help center displays when searching for an article:
Once you've found the article you've been searching for, select it from the dropdown menu or from the results page.
Best Practices: Finding information within an article
As you become more familiar with our articles, you'll find it easier and easier to find information. Similarly to trying any new activity out for the first time, it takes practice to become familiar with our writing style and cadence. These tips will help you find the information you're looking for sooner!
Topics or Table of Contents
Near the top of articles, you may notice a Topics or Table of Contents listing. These will provide all the relevant main subjects of the article. If any of these terms are hyperlinked, you can select them to jump directly to the related subject.
Expandable Headers
Sometimes we'll separate information in an article under an expandable header. This makes the information in our articles easier to digest. If you ever come across an expandable header, you can select it to expand and read the information.
Example of an expandable header that hasn't been expanded yet:
Example of an expandable header that has been expanded:
Colored Notes
We use colored notes to emphasize the importance of information. In certain articles, you'll find this colored notes and different colors represent different level of urgency:
Follow content
Here’s information on this feature, as described by Zendesk:
“You can choose to follow select sections and articles in the knowledge base and topics and posts in the community. When you create a community post or comment on an article or post, you are automatically subscribed to follow that article or post.
When you follow content, you are subscribing to it, so that you will be notified by email when new articles, posts, or comments are added. You will not be notified when updates are made to the body of an article, post, or comment.
You will receive email notifications for contributions made by other users who you are following, but you will not receive notifications for your own contributions.
You can stop following content at any time.”
Contacting Support
To contact support, select the chat option in the bottom right corner of the page in help center. This is available on any page in the help center!
You’ll be able to message our chatbot, who will work with you to expedite your request. Select I’m a Career Services or IT to begin.