This article includes common reports based on the Interview Schedules templates, organised by Handshake! You can click these links and they will show you the results for your institution.
Please note: you will need both Analytics: Access and Manage in order to access these reports. If you do not have these roles, please contact your Career Services internal point of contact to request access.
Reminder: Analytics data will uploads each night and is available for reporting the following day.
Saved reports
After clicking the below links, to further customise the report for your institution, click Duplicate Report in the upper-right corner of the screen. After duplicating, add any additional desired filters to better scope results. Remember to save your newly created custom report when you're finished, if you'd like to use it later!
Room Only Interview Schedule Checkins: List of room only interview schedule checkins over the past year.
Non Room Only Interview Schedule Checkins: List of non room only interview schedule checkins over the past year
Interview Schedule Count by Employer: Count of interview schedules by employer and type over the past year
Applications - Count of Applications by Students