If you've reviewed the saved reports available and none meet your needs, this article will walk you through creating a new custom report in Analytics.
In this walk-through example, the goal is to see the number of students in Handshake per school year name. The general step to take is listed first, with details specific to this example included at the end of each step as indicated "for this example".
1. Click Create Report in the upper-right corner of the Analytics overview page.
2. Select the desired report template, then click Submit.
For this example, the template to select is Students, since school year information is housed on the student profile.
3. Review any default filters that load and determine if they will support the story you want the data to tell. Click the X to the right of the filter to remove it.
For this example, the default filters do not support the reporting goals, so each can be removed.
4. Review the template's available dimensions and measures in the field picker, and select the desired filters and results to include in the report.
- Tip: Use keyword search at the top of the field picker to quickly locate dimensions/measures!
For this example, the dimension School Year Name is included as well as the measure Students Count.
5. When you're ready to see the report results, click Run in the upper-right corner. When the report loads, a total row count will appear to the left of the Run button.
For this example, the circle with a line through it (Row 6) in the School Year Name indicates null, meaning 10 students in this demo site do not have a school year tied to their account. It can be helpful to pull null data when you are looking for students missing school years (or other fields), and it can also be helpful to exclude null values, depending on reporting goals.
6. If you are interested in visualizing this in a graph, click Visualization (the middle black bar between Filters and Results), then select the desired graph style.
7. If you'd like to save this report for future use, click Save Report in the upper-right corner of the page.
Enter a Report Name, Description (optional), and Sharing preferences (private to you only, your school, or your school and the Handshake Network), then click Save.
You can make changes to the report at any time –– just remember to click Confirm Changes in the upper-right corner if you'd like to save the changes made!