Mid-term and Final Evaluations allow students and Reviewers to evaluate Experiences. Evaluations are set up as a part of the Experiences Template process and will send based on the Term dates that you have set.
How to send Evaluations Manually
Pre-requisite: The option for "Send evaluation requests" must be checked for each desired reviewer that needs to receive an evaluation. This must be done prior to the experience being requested. Any changes made to the template after an experience has been requested will not be reflected in existing experiences.
If your evaluation surveys and send dates are not set on the Template ("Send mid-term evaluation(s)" and "Send final evaluation(s)" need to be unchecked as desired) you can send them by following these instructions:
- Select the Experiences that you wish to send evaluations for either by checking the box to select all or by selecting them individually
- Select Mid-Term or Final Evaluation drop down
- Select Add Missing Evaluations
- Add the Evaluation surveys for students and/or reviewers and add the custom messages you would like associated
- Note: If you do not send the evaluation requests now you will have to use the reminder option to send evaluations since some of these may not have evaluation send dates setup in the template
*Note: If "Send mid-term evaluation(s)" or "Send final evaluation(s)" is checked, those evaluation requests will be sent automatically.
Send Evaluation Reminders
Automated reminders (if you have checked "Send mid-term evaluation(s)" as a part of the template):
- Reminder emails for mid term evaluations will be send 3 days and 24 hours before the mid term date
- Reminder emails for final evaluations will be send 3 days and 24 hours before the term end date
Send Manual reminders:
- Review which Experiences are missing Evaluations using the Missing Evaluations filters
- Select relevant Experiences and type of Evaluation you are hoping to send reminders for
- Select the Send Reminder bulk action
- Confirm the number of students and Reviewers who will receive Evaluation reminders
Change Evaluation Send Dates
- Change the term dates, if you update a term date any Experience using that term will also be updated
- How to: Create a term
Troubleshoot: reviewer doesn't receive an Evaluation email
If Reviewers on an Experience are not receiving Evaluation requests, it could be because the emails are being filtered out of their inbox.
Some companies have strict IT policies about third party emails, and can flag Handshake’s emails as spam. This section outlines a few steps you can take as a Career Services staff member to troubleshoot this process and keep the Evaluation process running!
Confirm the emails are not stored in a spam folder
If a Reviewer isn't receiving the emails or the approval requests, we first recommend confirming that the emails have not been filtered through their spam folders.
You can suggest the Reviewer take the following steps:
- Check "spam," "promotions,"etc, folder in your email inbox.
- Add handshake@m.joinhandshake.com to your email contacts or address book.
- Check with your IT department and ask them to unblock Handshake or check for quarantined emails.
Resend the Reviewer the Evaluation email
Once you've confirmed the emails are not stored in a spam folder, or have unblocked Handshake's domain, you can quickly resend the email to Evaluator from the individual Experience.
- Navigate to the Experiences and choose the Evaluations tab
- Identify the particular Reviewer who is having trouble receiving the email
- Select the Resend Email button
Send the Evaluation via link
If the Reviewer is still running into issues accessing that approval link, you can copy that unique link to send to them outside of Handshake:
- Navigate to the Experience and choose the Evaluations tab
- Identify the particular Reviewer who is having trouble receiving the email
- Copy the unique Evaluation link and send to the Reviewer outside of Handshake
- This will direct them to that particular Evaluation link (which they do not need to sign in to complete)
Manually update the Reviewer Evaluation
If the Reviewer is still running into issues updating this information, they can share the Evaluation information directly with the Career Services office. From there, as a Career Services admin, you can directly update the information on the Evaluation to move the process forward!
- Navigate to the Experience and choose the Evaluation tab
- Identify the particular Reviewer who is having trouble receiving the email
- Click the Add Responses button
- Here, you can directly update any of the Evaluation information for this individual, including custom survey questions (if attached
Wrong survey attached?
If the wrong survey was attached, you can make a change to this using a bulk action. To change this, take the following steps:
1. Click Final Evaluation bulk action menu
2. Select Add Missing Evaluations
3. Select preferred Student Final and/or Reviewer Final Surveys and update
What if I am logged into Handshake when I receive the Evaluation link?
- You will still be able to submit an evaluation logged into Handshake. Students will be required to sign into Handshake to complete their evaluation.
Will students be able to see an employer's submitted evaluation?
- No, students will only be able to see evaluations they have submitted.