Handshake enables you to filter displayed registrations and complete several bulk actions from the employer registrations page within a career fair.
To access these filters and bulk actions, you'll need to first select Fairs from the left menu column, then click on the desired career fair from the list that appears. This will load your fair's overview page. Click on the option to View Employers:
This will load your employer registrations for the fair.
By default, you'll see all registrations that are either Pending or Approved. You'll be able to use the following filters to narrow down the registrations that appear:
- Status: this is the status of the registration, which can be:
- Pending
- Approved
- Declined
- Cancelled
- Payment Status: this is the payment status of the registration, which can be:
- Paid
- Unpaid
- Invoiced
- Registration Option: this is the registration type the employer has selected
- Payment Method: this is the preferred payment option the employer has chosen
- Career Fair Item: these are extra items that the employer has selected on the registration
- Majors: majors at your school that the employer has selected on the registration
- Career Fair Sessions: (this is not a filter for virtual fairs, since only one date and time is permitted per fair) which career fair session(s) the employer has registered to attend
- Labels: this will filter based on labels applied to the career fair registration directly
- Not Labels: this will exclude registrations with a particular label name on the career fair registration directly
- Employer Labels: this filter allows you to identify registrations based on labels applied to the employer's company profile (NEW in 2020!)
- Other: miscellaneous other filters include:
- Balance Due Only
- No Booths Assigned Only
- Include Declined Registrations
- Include Cancelled Registrations
Bulk Actions
Once you've identified the desired registrations to view using filters as needed, you'll be able to complete some actions in bulk. If you'd like to download fair registration data, you can use the Download option in the upper right corner of the page.
If you'd like to complete other actions in bulk, start by putting a checkmark next to the desired registrations. Once you've checked one registration, you can also click on Select All to check all registrations.
Once the desired registrations are selected, click on the bulk action More to see available options:
- Add Fair Registration Label: this will apply a label to the fair registration
- Removed Fair Registration Label: this will remove an existing label from a fair registration
- Add Employer Label: this will add a label to the employer's company profile
- Email Registrants/Representatives: you'll be able to send an email to fair registrants, schedule representatives (reps participating in a virtual fair schedule), representatives (user or contacts listed on the fair registration), or yourself via Handshake
- Invoice Registrations: generate invoices for selected registrations