If an employer's fair registration has been canceled, and you'd like to reinstate the registration, follow the steps below.
If you're looking to cancel a registration, please see Fairs: Cancel a Registration instead!
1. Click Fairs on the left navigation bar, the click on the career fair you would like to reinstate the registration for.
2. Click the View Employers button.
3. Click the filter heading Other, then click Include Cancelled Registrations.
4. Use other page filters as desired to narrow down the displayed registration list as needed, then click on the registration to reinstate.
5. Click Edit in the upper-right corner of the page.
6. Scroll partway down the page to Basic Information, and select the Status: Approved.
7. Click the blue button Update Registration in the lower right corner to save changes.
Note: if this is for a virtual fair, we recommend to followup with the employer to ensure their schedule is set as needed so students may sign up for sessions!