- What does the survey look like on a students dashboard?
- Students will see a card similar to the one below once they are added to a survey. The survey just needs to be published for students to see this - the launch date doesn't have to have happened.
- What is a unique link for a Handshake First Destination Survey?
- A unique link is a specific URL that is generated for each student when they are added to a First Destination survey. This is unique for each student and allows them to respond to the survey without being logged into Handshake! These links are only connected to invitations and reminders sent through Handshake's campaign tools.
- Can I send the students their unique links from a mass email or an external email tool?
- No, the unique link is only generated by using the Send Invitation/Reminder Email option in the Student Tracking section of the Survey.
- You can send students an email with the Survey Link (image below) but this link will require that each student logs into Handshake to complete their response.
- What does the First Destination survey look like for students that are not logged into Handshake?
- What does the First Destination survey look like for students that are logged in to Handshake?
- What if the student has already responded to the first destination survey and they try to use the unique link that was sent to them in an invitation/reminder?
- The student will need to login to Handshake to submit an additional response to the survey. They will be directed to the first page of the survey immediately after logging in.
- If the student partially completes a response can they use the unique link again and be taken back to where they left off?
- No, if the student clicks Begin on the survey the unique link will be expired. The next time the student uses the link they will need to login to complete their response or submit an additional response.
- If the student exits the first page of the survey without clicking Begin will they will be able to use the unique link again?
- Yes, if the student does not click Begin then they will be able to use the unique link in their email again.
- What if the student wants to login to complete the survey but they don't know their password?
- They can use the reset password link on the login screen
- Will they be directed to the survey if they have to reset their password first?
- No, they will need to use the link on the left navigation bar or the dashboard card to get to the first destination survey
- Will a student have to go through new student onboarding if they haven't logged in?
- No, they will bypass the onboarding step and be taken directly to the first destination survey.
- What if the student has the survey open in two windows or tabs? Can they complete both?
- No, the student will see a message that they need to log in when they try to Begin the survey in a second window, tab or browser.
- We are updating these error messages to be more descriptive.
- Does the unique first destination survey link expire?
- Yes, after the student starts the survey (clicks Begin on the first page) they will have 24 hours to complete their response - this is to protect students who leave the link open. After 24 hours if they click the link again or try to continue the survey they will be asked to log in.
- Do the links sent ever expire for students who do not click on them?
- Yes, one year after the unique links are sent they will no longer function.