If you would like to edit or delete a document that was previously loaded in Handshake, this article provides step-by-step instructions on how to do so!
1. Click on your account icon in the upper-right corner of Handshake, then click My Documents from the dropdown.
2. Locate the document you want to edit or delete from the list, then click on the name of it.
3. On the right side of the screen under Document Information, click on either the:
- Blue button Edit Document
- White button Delete Document
Edit the document
On the editing page, you can change the following:
- Document name
- Document type
- Resume
- Cover Letter
- Transcript
- Other Document
- Make the document public (displays document on your profile for employers)
- Document (Choose file to upload a new document)
- Description
Important: if you choose to upload a new document and replace the current one, this will update all applications you have previously applied with. You should be especially careful if you are updating company-specific cover letters.
Click the green button Update Document after you've finished making changes.
Delete a Document
Once you click Delete Document, you'll be prompted to confirm this deletion.
💡Note: Handshake does not store old versions of your documents, so if you delete a document you think you might want to reference in the future, we suggest keeping a copy of that document in your own files.
Click the red button Delete to proceed with the deletion.