To set up your institution's Targeted Email default from name and email follow these instructions:
1. Click on your name in the upper-right corner of Handshake, then click on School Settings, then click Targeted Emails from the menu on the left of the page.
2. Enter the Default from name (name) and Default reply to (email address), then click Update email preferences to save your changes.
Note: If your institution does not set up the Targeted Email Configuration under School Settings, you will need to manually add the Sender Name and the Reply to Email fields for future Targeted Emails.
When you send a new targeted email, the values entered will appear in the From and Reply to fields (unless otherwise changed within the specific targeted email).
From: "School of Life Careers via" <>
Note: If users are having trouble receiving these emails, please ask them to unblock the Handshake email domains. For help, please see Email Delivery: Unblocking Handshake Email.