Labels within Handshake allow employers to efficiently categorize and track candidates, streamlining your recruitment efforts.
Access labels
1. Click on your name in the upper-right corner of any page in Handshake, then select Company settings.
2. On the Company settings page, select Labels from the left-hand menu.
Create a label
1. On the Labels page, click the green button Create New Label above the table.
2. In the pop-up modal, type the name of the new label in the textbox, then click the green button Create.
Archive a label
1. On the Labels page, click the hamburger menu (three lines) next to the label you want to archive, then select Edit Label from the dropdown.
2. In the pop-up modal, check the box next to Archived, then click the green button Save.
Note: archiving a label will prevent this label from being added to new items, but will not delete the label from existing items.
Unarchive a label
1. On the Labels page, click Other in the table header, then check the box for Include Archived Labels.
2. Click the hamburger menu (three lines) next to the label you want to unarchive, then select Edit Label from the dropdown.
3. In the pop-up modal, uncheck the box for Archived, then click the green button Save.
Delete a label
1. On the Labels page, click the hamburger menu (three lines) next to the label you want to delete, then select Edit Label from the dropdown.
2. In the pop-up modal, click the red button Delete to permanently delete the label.
3. Next, click the button OK to confirm that you want to delete the label.