The purpose of this article is to provide answers to any inquiries you may have about First Destination Emails in Handshake.
Click on the expandable headers to learn more about each of the inquiries!
Can I change the subject of the reminder emails?
Yes! If you select the Custom Sender option above the Name, Title, and Subject entry, you can customize both the Name (sent from) and Subject line for each reminder email.
Who gets the invitation email?
All recipients added to your survey. You can find these recipients on the Student Tracking page in your survey.
If a student has a primary and additional email address associated with their account, which email address receives the FDS emails?
The primary email address associated with the student's account receives the FDS emails.
Who gets each reminder email?
- Reminder 1 - 4: students who have not yet responded to the first destination survey.
- Final reminder: students who have not yet responded and students that responded that they are still seeking employment.
Who do the invite and reminder emails come from?
In a students inbox, the emails will appear from the custom sender you set up in creation.
How did you pick two weeks as the default for invitation emails?
We did a lot of research on the most effective way to increase response rates. We found that reminder emails were the most effective when paired with an incentive and sent around 10:00am during the week. Additionally, we saw a 15% increase in response rates with each reminder email we sent, which is why we have built this into the product.
Will invitations and reminders go out to students on drafting surveys?
No, survey responses are only accepted on Published surveys. You can still report on any responses that exist on a drafting survey.
Will invite and reminder emails be sent after the survey close date?
No - after the survey close date, the invite and reminder emails will no longer be sent to students.
If I add a student to the FDS after the first invitation has already been sent, what happens?
The newly added student will receive the invitation email once added to the survey, then they will receive the subsequent reminder emails.
Will archived students receive invitations and reminder emails?
No, any archived students will not be able to submit responses on First Destination Surveys. This means they won't receive any email communication and will not have access to the dashboard card either.
Can I set invitation and reminder email dates in the past?
Yes, you can set invitation and reminder emails in the past.
Any emails with past send dates will be sent within 10 minutes to any recipients added to the survey.
Can I change the top section of the email to students?
To keep the First Destination invitation and request message consistent for students, you will not be able to edit the standard Handshake sections of the emails.
Can I send custom messages and reminders to students that are added to the survey?
Yes, you can use the bulk action Send Email to Surveyees.
- Tip: copy the link in the Survey Setup Details section to direct students to this survey.
- Note: The survey link will only appear if the survey is published and there are recipients on the survey. Students will need to login to Handshake to submit a response if they are using this link.
Is there a recommended size for the image included within the FDS email?
We accept any ratio but recommend any image ratio that is under 450x450 pixels for best results!