If you're a current student and want to change your email, we recommend updating your primary email in Handshake. To do this, refer to Update Your Primary Email Address in Handshake for outlined instructions on how to do so.
If you're an alumnus and no longer have access to your institution's email address, you'll need to reach out to your institution's career centre. Your institution will initiate the email change in Handshake.
If you've already created a new account on Handshake with the email address you wish to have changed to, you'll need to submit a ticket to Handshake's Support team to delete the account - this will free up the email for use.
Change your email in Handshake
1. Contact your institution's career services centre and let them know you'd like to update your email address.
To reduce a ton of back and forth, we recommend including your current email as well as the one you'd like changed to!
2. Your career services department will initiate the update on their end, and you'll receive two emails regarding the change. There may be a slight delay for the email to arrive to your inbox.
Email #1
The first is sent to your original email address. This email informs you know of the change request to your account.
From: Handshake <handshake@m.joinhandshake.co.uk>
Subject: Handshake Email Change Request
Body: "Hello [NAME],
Your account email address has been requested to change to [NEW EMAIL ADDRESS].
If you or someone you authorised (e.g. your institution) requested this, please follow the directions emails to [NEW EMAIL].
If you do not recognise this request, please contact support immediately."
Email #2
The second is sent your new email address. This email includes the option to proceed with the change as well as a verification code.
From: Handshake <handshake@m.joinhandshake.co.uk>
Subject: Handshake Email Change Request
Body: "Hello [NAME],
Your email address has been updated by your institution. Please confirm the change to access your account.
Email Verification Code: [VERIFICATION CODE]
If you do not recognise this request, feel free to ignore this email or contact support.
If the confirmation email isn't showing up for you, we recommend taking the steps below:
- Check your spam and junk mail. Since this is an automated email, some providers may filter the message from your inbox. If you're using a common mail client you can find instructions below.
- Keyword search all mailboxes using "Email Confirmation" (the email's subject line). This can better surface the email if it's been filtered to an unexpected location.
Add Handshake to your address book with the following contact email: "handshake@m.joinhandshake.com". After adding this contact, resend the confirmation email from Handshake (Step 3 on the thanks for signing up page).
- This will help ensure delivery of future emails, and is important for keeping you up to date in your professional life.
- Contact your institution's IT department and ask if they know of any reasons emails from Handshake would be denied.
After taking each of the steps above, submit a ticket to Handshake Support. We'll work with you to get the email delivered.
Best Practice: when submitting a ticket, include a summary of the steps you've taken so far! This will save time and result in a more efficient interaction!
3. To proceed with the change, click the red button Change Email, located at the bottom of the second email.
Make sure you remain logged into Handshake under your old email address in order to make this update.
4. In the window that opens, you'll need to enter the Email Verification Code, located in the second email, and then click Finish Email Change. The new email will now be associated with your account!
Additional Information
- If you received the Email for your Change Request, but you're unable to view it, we recommend using a different browser to open the email, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Sometimes using another email program can help as well.
- If you clicked the "Change Email" button, and entered your email on the following page, but received the message "Hmmm... Looks like there is no account on file for...", this means the new email address doesn't exist in Handshake. You'll need to click the "Change Email" button again and enter in your old email address.
- If you tried to sign in after clicking the "Change Email" button, and was unable to use your SSO (single sign-on), we recommend you reset your password for the email address. In some cases, only SSO may have been used to sign into Handshake, which is different from signing in with the email address and password. This may be your first time signing in with this method and once the password is reset, you should be able to log in.
For help with resetting your password, refer to Reset the Password for a Student Account in Handshake.