To log into Handshake as an alum, you'll need to set up Handshake credentials, especially if you've been logging in with your institution's Single Sign-On (SSO) method.
If you've already created Handshake credentials, you can continue using Handshake and access almost all of the features as before!
If you've been logging into your account via SSO, follow the outlined steps below to setup your Handshake credentials!
1. Go to
2. Select your institution from the drop-down, located below the "Students & Alumni" option
3. Enter the email associated with your Handshake account, then click the blue button Next
If no account is found for your email address, follow the instructions under No account found with email.
4. On the following page, click the blue button Get Started
5. An email is sent to your inbox to confirm your account - Go to your inbox and locate the corresponding email, then click on the link for "Set My Password"
If you're having issues receiving the confirmation email, refer to Troubleshooting Missing Confirmation Email.
6. Once confirmed, you'll be prompted to create a password, which needs to be at least 8 characters long, with a mix of at least two each of letters, numbers, and special characters. Enter your password in the provided spaces, then click the blue button Next.
When you've set your password successfully, you'll have the option to sign into Handshake!
No account found with email
If you do not have an account with the email you entered, you'll need to sign up, follow the steps below!
1. Click the "I'm a student or Alumni" option.
2. Create your account by entering your email address in the provided space, then click Continue.
3. Select your institution from the dropdown, then click Continue.
If you can't find your institution, refer to Institution not Found on Handshake for more information.
4. You'll be prompted to create your password and agree to Handshake's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Note: your password needs to be at least 8 characters long, with a mix of at least two each of letters, numbers, and special characters.
Enter your password in the provided spaces, then check the box to agree to Handshake Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Once complete, click Continue.
5. Enter the following information to finish creating your account:
- First name
- Last name
- Level of Study
- Graduation month
- Graduation year
Note: if your institution has requested additional information, you'll need to fill out the additional prompts.
Once all of the information is added, click Next.
6. An email is sent to your inbox to confirm your account - Go to your inbox and locate the corresponding email, then click on the red button Confirm Email.
If you're having issues receiving the confirmation email, refer to Troubleshooting Missing Confirmation Email.
Once confirmed, you'll be directed to Handshake!
Note: depending on your institution's settings, a career services staff member may need to approve your account before you can gain access to Handshake.