Premium partners can integrate Greenhouse with Handshake, enabling a seamless experience for posting jobs from Greenhouse in Handshake, managing hiring activities in one platform, and more.
If your company is interested in this integration, please contact your account manager to enable 'Greenhouse V2 Integration' in your company settings. Once enabled, you’ll be ready to set up your Greenhouse integration.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information, please check out this resource.
Integrate Greenhouse
Click each header for detailed instructions on completing your integration setup.
The following Greenhouse developer permissions are required to complete this integration:
- Can manage all organisation’s API Credentials
- Can manage and configure web hooks
If you do have these permissions, contact a Greenhouse user in your organisation with Site Admin level permissions.
Note: the Site Admin will need the permission Can edit another user's advanced permissions to apply the necessary permissions to your account.
Have the user with Site Admin level permissions edit your user account's permissions by clicking the Configure icon in the upper-right corner of the page, then clicking Users from the left menu. All users will be listed — click on your name to display your user page.
The user with Site Admin level permissions will need to navigate to the User-Specific Permissions panel on your user page and expand the Developer Permissions dropdown menu.
Select Can manage ALL organisation’s API Credentials and Can manage and configure web hooks so that both boxes are checked. When finished, click Save.
Step 2: Add your user ID from Greenhouse to Handshake
For Handshake to allow candidates to apply directly to Greenhouse Recruiting, Handshake will need the user ID of an existing Greenhouse user in your organisation, or the user ID for a Greenhouse Recruiting user account that's created specifically for Handshake.
NOTE: We highly recommend using a Greenhouse User ID that will not expire for this integration (i.e. if an employee leaves your company). Otherwise there may be disruptions in the integration if there are changes to this Greenhouse user. We recommend creating a new user specifically for this integration if possible.
To locate the user ID for either an existing user (or for the new Handshake-specific user, if applicable), click the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner and click Users from the left menu.
Once you have filtered on the correct user from the Users page, click Export to Excel.
A spreadsheet will be downloaded to your computer. From the spreadsheet, navigate to the User ID column and copy the user ID value inline for your selected user.
Within Handshake, navigate to Company Settings, then click Greenhouse Integration from the left menu. Paste the value into the Greenhouse User ID field.
Tips: make sure to keep this page open while you complete the remaining fields.
Step 3: Generate the Job Board API Key from Greenhouse and add it to Handshake
Click on the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page, then click Dev Centre on the left menu.
Click API Credential Management from the Dev Centre page, then click Create New API Key to generate the API key for Handshake.
From the Create new credential dialog box, give your API key a name and select Job Board from the Type dropdown menu. When finished, click Create.
Your Job Board API key for the integration is now created and configured! Navigate to your recently created Job Board API key, copy the key, and paste this value in Handshake within the Job Board API Key field under your Greenhouse settings.
Step 4: Generate the Harvest API Key from Greenhouse and add it to Handshake
Click on the Configure icon in the upper right-hand corner, then click Dev Centre on the left menu.
Click API Credential Management, then click Create New API Key to generate the API key for Handshake.
On the Manage API Key Permissions page, select all of the following API permissions:
Applications GET: Retrieve Application |
Candidates GET: List Candidates |
Education GET: Get degrees |
Jobs GET: Retrieve Job |
Job Posts GET: List Job Posts |
Sources GET: List Sources |
Custom Field Options GET: Custom field options POST: Create custom field options |
Custom Fields GET: Get custom fields |
When finished, click Update.
Your Harvest API key for the Greenhouse/Handshake integration is now created and configured! Navigate to your recently created Harvest API key, copy the key, and paste this value in Handshake within the Harvest API Key field under your Greenhouse settings.
Step 5: Create a Job board token from Greenhouse and add it to Handshake
To access Job Board settings, you must be a Site Admin within Greenhouse. If you aren't a Site Admin, you'll need to connect with an user who is, and have them follow the process below.
Click the Configure icon in the upper-right corner of the page, then click Job Board from the left menu.
Click the Ellipsis icon (three dots) to the right of the job board, then select Edit Board Settings from the dropdown menu.
Navigate to the URL section and copy the value in the provided field. This is the job board token for the job board you'll be using to post Greenhouse jobs from within Handshake.
Paste this value into the Job Board Token field under your Greenhouse settings within Handshake.
Step 6: Generate a Tracking Link for the job board from Greenhouse and add it to Handshake
Click the Configure icon in the upper-right corner of the page, then click Job Board on the left menu.
Select the job board you are using for this integration from the list and click the Ellipsis icon (three dots) to the right of the job board name. Click Tracking Link from the dropdown menu.
Use the Get a Tracking Link dialog box to configure the Who gets credit and Source fields. Click Create Link when finished.
Copy the string of letters and numbers at the end of the URL (in the example above, this would be the 3478b75c3us segment of the URL) and paste this value into the Handshake Source Token field in Handshake under your Greenhouse settings.
Once all five fields are completed within Handshake, click the blue button Verify at the bottom of the page and a secret key will be generated that you'll use to set up Web Hooks within Greenhouse.
A web hook is a simple event notification system. When an event occurs within the Greenhouse platform (e.g., a candidate is hired), a payload of data about the event is sent to a specified endpoint; in this case Handshake. You'll need to create 5 web hooks to enable all necessary integration capabilities.
Before creating these web hooks within Greenhouse, you'll need to retrieve your employer ID from Handshake.
Click Company Profile from the left navigation bar, then copy the numerical value at the end of the associated URL for the web page.
To create a web hook, click the Configure icon in the upper-right corner of your home page in Greenhouse, then click Dev Centre on the left menu. Click Web Hooks on the resulting page.
Fill in the following fields for each web hook, then click Create Web hook to complete the web hook setup. Greenhouse Recruiting will ping your endpoint. If this ping is accepted successfully, the endpoint will be created.
Web Hook # 1:
- Name this web hook: post_created_handshake
- When: Job Post Created
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
Error recipient email: leave blank
Web Hook # 2:
- Name this web hook: post_updated_handshake
- When: Job Post Updated
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
Error recipient email: leave blank
Web Hook # 3:
- Name this web hook: job_updated_handshake
- When: Job Updated
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
Error recipient email: leave blank
Web Hook # 4:
- Name this web hook: hire_candidate_handshake
- When: Candidate has been hired
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
Error recipient email: leave blank
Web Hook # 5:
- Name this web hook: candidate_rejected_handshake
- When: Candidate or prospect has been rejected
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
- Error recipient email: leave blank
Web Hook # 6:
- Name this web hook: new_candidate_application
- When: candidate has submitted application
- Endpoint URL:<handshake_employer_id>
- Secret Key: enter the secret key generated by completing the Greenhouse configuration page within Handshake
- Error recipient email: leave blank
Additional resources
If you need assistance with setting up your Greenhouse integration or have questions during the process, please submit a ticket to our team here.
For more information on using the Greenhouse integration in Handshake, refer How to Use Handshake's Greenhouse Integration.