Click on the collapsible headers to learn more!
At Handshake, we recognize sharing among peers can drive learning, scale workflows, and help support our valued partners to leverage all parts of the platform.
We encourage you to connect with other schools by initating questions, and offering solutions or guidance based on on best practices and/or strategic knowledge sharing.
Questions posted to Handshake Community may include:
"What appointment types do other schools have?"
"What are some successful ways of marketing Handshake to students?"
"Tips for creating engaging resource articles"
If you have any product-specific questions or need help troubleshooting an issue, we reccomend reffering to our Help Center or submiting a ticket to our Support Team.
Note: Handshake will lightly moderate the community, but not comment on every post.
When posting in the Community, other career services users will only have access to your name. If you feel it may be relevant to add your institution, job title, or anything else to help engage with the Community better, feel free to add the information within your posts and responses!
Joining Handshake Community
All career services users in Handshake have access to the community! To acces, click Help in the upper-right corner of your Handshake screen, then click Community from the dropdown.
Tip: set your notification preferences to manage which discussion boards you receive emails about!
When viewing a discussion board you'd like to be notified for, click the button Follow, located in the upper-left corner of the page, then select all new posts or all new posts and comments from the dropdown.
Posting in Handshake Community
To post an inquiry, click the button New Post, located in the upper-right corner of the Handshake Community homepage.
On the form that loads, enter the following information:
- Title: an overview of your inquiry
- Details (optional): any additional information that supports your inquiry
- Tip: format your information to emphazie any points, or add images and hyperlinks
- Topic
- select a relevant topic from the dropdown for your inquiry to be posted under
- Alumni in Handshake
- Appointments
- Career Fairs, Kiosks, & Payments
- Community College Partners
- East Coast Partners
- Events
- Experiences
- Handshake Announcements
- Handshake Implementation
- IT and Technology (SSO, Importer, AutoSync, RSS, API)
- Jobs Best Practices & Assisting Employers
- Marketing & Communication
- Midwest Partners
- On Campus Interviews
- Reporting and Analytics
- Southern Partners
- Student Employment
- Surveys & First Destination Surveys
- Tips, Tricks, & Miscellaneous
- UK Partners
- West Coast Partners
- select a relevant topic from the dropdown for your inquiry to be posted under
Once everything is entered, click Submit to complete!
Responding to a Post
To respond to a post in the community, click in the text box, located below the Comments section of the page, and to the left of your icon.
Note: you can format your content in the text box to emphasize any points or include images and hyperlinks.