Once you've set up a new career fair (in-person or virtual), you can add extra "for purchase" items to the fair. These extra items might include: special advertising, lunches for booth representatives, premium design packages, internet connection, or booth supplies.
1. To add extra items, click Fairs on the left navigation bar. You will see a list of fairs that your school has created. Select the career fair that you'd like to add extra items to.
2. Click Edit in the upper right corner of the page, then click on Extra Item Options from the menu on the left side of that page.
3. Click on Add Item in the upper right corner of the page to add a new item.
4. On the following page, enter in the following information:
- Name: enter a name for the extra item
- Type: if you have a multi-session fair, you can select either an individual session or general if you want the extra item available for all sessions
- Description: provide more information on the extra item offered
- Price: set the dollar amount the employer will need to pay for this item
- Maximum allowed: the maximum count of items available per employer
- Count: this is the total count of items available (Handshake will auto-enforce this number; when the extra item is at capacity, it will no longer be able to be selected.)
5. When you've finished filling out the fields, click the green button for Create Career Fair Item in the lower right.