There may be instances where you need to view a student's profile in Handshake, follow the steps below to locate a students profile.
If you need to view as a particular student at your institution, refer to How to View as a Student.
1. Click Manage on the left navigation bar.
2. Use the key word search bar and the filters located at the top of the page to locate the student in the Handshake.
3. Click on the students name to be directed to the students profile.
As a career services user you have access to the following information on the students profile:
- Number of logins the student has for the week
- Number of applications submitted by the student within the month (indicated as ‘recent applications’)
- Number of events the student registered for within the month
- Education
- Work Experience
- Organizations / Extracurriculars
- Projects
- Personal information
- Institution Email Address
- Primary Email Address
- Pronouns
- Labels
- Actions
- For more information about the specific actions that can be taken on a students profile, refer to About Actions in the Student Profile.
- Get to know Me (bio added by student)
- Skills
- Documents