When reviewing applications, you can hide declined applicants so you can easily track active applicants.
Check out our Job Applicant Management Guide.
- Access job or interview
- Hide declined applicants on Jobs page
- Hide declined applicants on Interviews page
Access job or interview
Click Jobs or Interviews from the left navigation bar, then select the job or interview you want to hide declined applicants for. Learn more about Reviewing Applications in Handshake.
Hide declined applicants on Jobs page
1. Use the Status filter above the applicants table to select the application status(es) you want to review. Ensure the box for Rejected is unchecked.
2. Rejected applicants will be hidden, displaying only those that match your selected statuses.
Hide declined applicants on Interviews page
1. Navigate to the Applicants tab, then click the blue hyperlinked text "View all" within the Status filter on the left.
In the pop-up modal, select the application status(es) you want to review. Make sure to leave the box for Declined unchecked.
Click the blue button Done to save your selections. This will filter out any declined applicants from your Applicants view.