Welcome to the Handshake EDU Community!
Whether you have top tips, questions or want to find someone to bounce your plans off of, the Handshake EDU Community is the place to go. So join the conversation and share best practices with other Career Services professionals using Handshake in Europe.
For privacy reasons, other career services users cannot see any information about you, except for your name. However, conversations are always better when we know who we’re talking to, so when engaging in the Community, make sure to include your institution name, your job title, and anything else you think might be relevant.
In order to make sure we create a helpful and relevant space, we ask that you please use the Community to ask and answer questions pertaining to best practices and/or strategic knowledge sharing (i.e.: “What appointment types do other institutions have?” or “What are some successful ways of raising awareness of Handshake with employers?”).
If you have troubleshooting or product-specific questions (i.e.: “How do I set up payments?” or “Why am I getting an error message?”), please refer to our Help Centre to see our guidance or submit a ticket to our Support Team. In the interest of creating distinct value for universities on the Community, content that is troubleshooting or product-oriented could be repurposed.
Handshake will monitor all posts but not comment on all of them. We'll chime in if a feature or workflow best practice needs to be confirmed or if there's a sensitive issue.
Handshakers who are co-leading the Community:
Emily Johnsen - Student & Institution Engagement
Lucy Pandit - Employer Engagement
Tom Bryan - Data & Reporting
Important note: Unlike the 3 other communities listed above, where you are able to participate in discussion, the Product Announcements Space is used only by Handshake to post new product announcements. It will not be moderated and it is not a space for product feedback. If you have any product questions, have a new Product idea or need support with any new updates, we encourage you to please read and follow the guidance here: How to: Submitting Product Feedback on Handshake.
How-To Guides
All career services users in Handshake have access to the Community. You can access the Community through the help menu in Handshake.
Add a description to your profile
Though not mandatory, we recommend that you add a short description to your profile to introduce yourself before posting in the Community. This helps other members learn a little more about you!
You can do this by navigating to your name at the upper-right of the screen, then clicking the downwards arrow, and My Profile. From here, click Edit Profile, then fill in the box titled Description (optional). Click OK to save.
Set Notification Preferences
In the Handshake EDU Community, you can manage which discussion rooms you get emails about. You can subscribe to all New posts or all New posts and comments. You can do this by clicking into a discussion room and clicking on Follow.
Create a Post
You can create a new post by clicking New Post anywhere on the Community. This will bring you to a form where you can create a post. The post will ask you for a subject. This subject should be treated similarly to that in an email and be a general overview of what you want to start a conversation about.
Under this is a box titled Detailed (optional) - here you should elaborate on your subject, as well as add pictures, quotes or links should you wish.
Finally, at the bottom is a selection menu for placement of your post in the community. Please select the most relevant space for your post from the list. When done, click Submit to create your post.
Respond to a Post
To respond to a post in the Community, you can click into the box below the post. Once you click into this box you will see similar formatting options seen when creating a post. Once again, simply click Submit when you are happy with your comment in order to add it to the discussion.