The FDS Response History tab will allow your team to access responses across all First Destination Surveys posted by your institution. This provides a full, comprehensive insight into how alumni have responded to the different First Destination Surveys published by your institution.
Navigating to the Response History tab
Select First Destination from the left navigation bar. On the next page, select the Response History tab.
Outcomes & Top Employers
The outcomes are provided at the top of the page. These are similar to the outcomes section on the FDS Responses page.
On the left, a chart is provided which represents the the percentage of different outcomes that students selected when responding to a survey. On the right, employers and the number of times students included them in survey responses.
All filters
The All filters button will open a side sheet. You can use these filters to narrow down which responses will be accounted for on this page.
List of filters
- Survey Type
- Show only responses where the Employer value is not connected to a Handshake account.
- We recommend editing these responses to connect them with a Handshake employer account where possible.
- Graduation group
- Course
- College
- Course groups
- Labels
- Not labels
- Education level
- Assigned to
- Outcome
- Campus
- Earliest response date - Latest response date
- Source
- Only show students with no course on their profile
Individual Responses
The responses at the bottom of the page represent each response submitted by a student across all FDS at your institution. To learn more about taking actions on these responses, please refer to The FDS Responses tab article.