If your institution is using Handshake’s appointment feature, you can keep track of your upcoming appointments and reflect on past appointments in the appointments tab.
If you haven't yet scheduled an appointment, check out Request an Appointment with Your Career Centre to start!
Follow the steps below to view your appointments in Handshake.
1. Click on Career Centre on the left navigation menu, then click Appointments from your Career Centre's page.
2. On this page, upcoming and past appointments are displayed along with their statuses.
- Requested: Your appointment is waiting for a response from the career services centre; make sure to keep an eye out for an approved or declined status and notification.
- Started: Your appointment was marked as having begun but has not been closed out. You can followup with your advisor for more information.
- Approved: Your appointment was approved and is on schedule. If you need to cancel your appointment, make sure to update the status.
- Declined: Your appointment has been declined–you can reach out to the career centre and request a new time or discuss the reason it was declined.
- Completed: Your appointment was completed, and you can review comments and activity in the appointment details section.
3. Click on the appointment name to open the details. If you have questions or follow up items, you can post them in the comments section.
Missing the Career Centre option on the left navigation bar?
If you don't have Career Centre as an option on the left navigation bar, it means your institution doesn't currently partner with Handshake (yet!) If you're enjoying your experience on Handshake, feel free to encourage your career centre to formally partner with us and we can unlock additional benefits for you and your institution!