Earlier this year, we introduced Handshake Q&A (Questions and Answers), a community for students to ask career related questions, and for other students and alumni to answer. We've received a lot of positive feedback from students about Q&A's value, but until now, Q&A has largely been embedded on job and employer pages. For example, students will see questions related to Teach for America on TFA's employer page.
We've received a lot of student feedback to introduce a more central place to find Q&A content, and to be able to search through all the Q&A that exists on Handshake. We're thus introducing Q&A as a tab on the main navigation bar. In the interest of space, we are deprecating the "For You" tab - the Homepage will still be accessible by clicking on the Handshake logo on the top left of the page.
We will begin by rolling this navigational change out to a small percentage of students to understand its impact. If received positively we will introduce this to all students.