Once a schedule is created, it can be managed. You can edit the schedule, block time as unavailable, cancel, or delete sessions, invite students, remove candidates, and add or remove hosts.
To manage your Availability Calendar instead, refer to Availability Calendars: Manage a Schedule.
Premium features are for Handshake Premium accounts only. For more information on our Premium offering, please check out this resource!
Edit schedule
1. Click Meetings from the left navigation bar, and select the meeting you want to edit.
2. Click the white button Edit in the top-right corner of the page.
In the Details section, you can update the:
- Name
- Purpose
- Description
Note: the location of an event can't be changed. All sessions of a meeting must be deleted and a new one created if the location must be updated.
When finished, click the blue button Continue to proceed to the next section.
In the Date and time section, you can update the:
- Length
- Date
- Note: updating the session's time and/or date will cancel existing sessions and remove interviewers and students from all future sessions.
- Timezone
- Number of occurrences
Click the blue button Save in the lower-right corner of the page to save your changes.
Add to calendar
For more information, check out Employer-hosted Schedules: Add to Calendar.
Add video link
An external URL is required for every booked session that is hosted externally (not on Handshake).
Note: an external video link can only be added to a session once a candidate is added or if a candidate has booked it.
1. To add a video link, click the blue card, then click the white button Add external video link.
2. In the pop-up modal, enter the external URL in the External link field, then click the blue button Save.
- If an external link is not added, the message "External link is missing" displays within the meeting card.
Block time as unavailable
Block time
The option "Block time as unavailable" can be used to denote a break for the host or to add a buffer to help prepare you for your next meeting or to reserve time for meetings that may run longer than anticipated.
This option is only available when there are no meeting hosts or candidates added to the session. If there is a candidate or meeting host added, they will need to be removed first, then the session may be marked as unavailable.
1. Click the ➕ icon to the right of the session time, then select Block time as unavailable.
2. As soon as the time is blocked, the plus icon is replaced with a circle-backslash symbol and appears grey.
Unblock time
1. To unblock the session time, hover your mouse over the circle-backslash symbol, then click the lock icon.
2. As soon as the time is unblock, the session will become immediately available.
Delete all sessions
Deleting sessions removes any scheduled sessions in the future and prevents students from being added or signing up.
1. To delete all sessions on the schedule, click the white button Edit in the top-right corner of the page.
2. On the edit page, click the red button Delete all sessions in the lower-left corner of the page.
3. Click the red button Yes, delete all sessions in the modal to proceed.
- Click the white button Cancel to return to the previous page.
Notifications are sent to impacted meeting hosts and candidates upon deletion of the sessions.
Delete meetings
Deleting (cancelling) meetings removes the currently added meeting host and student, while preserving the appointed time.
1. To cancel an individual meeting, click the blue box, then click the pencil icon in the white modal.
2. Next, click the white button Delete meeting in the lower-left corner of the modal.
3. In the pop-up modal, confirm the action by clicking the red button Yes, delete meeting.
Upon cancellation, the candidate will be removed from the meeting and the time slot will return to its default state- the time will become available again for another candidate to book or be added.
Add or remove meeting hosts
Add host(s)
Note: maximum number of 10 hosts allowed.
1. To add a host, click the white button Assign host.
- Maximum number of 10 hosts allowed.
2. In the pop-up modal, select the host you want to assign, then click the blue button Save.
- To add additional hosts, click the white button +Add, select the host you want to add, then click the blue button Add.
- Repeat this step for each host you want to add to the schedule, up to 10 hosts.
Add multiple hosts to a single time slot
1. Click the blue card of the time slot you want to add multiple hosts to, then click the pencil icon in the white modal.
2. In the pop-up modal, click into the Hosts field, then select the team members you want to add.
- To remove a host, click the X to the right of the host name.
When a host is added to a meeting, they will receive an email notifying them that they have been added.
The email reads:
Sent from: "handshake@notifications.joinhandshake.co.uk"
Subject: "You've been added to meetings"
You've been added to meetings.
Check out more details on Handshake. We'll let you know when students are added to your meetings.
Meet with [COMPANY NAME]
- Weekday, month, time, timezone, schedule frequency
[View all meetings] button.
Invite candidates
Add a candidate to a time slot
1. To add a candidate to a time slot, click the plus icon to the right of the time slot for the desired host, then select Create new meeting.
2. In the pop-up modal, click into the Candidate field and select a candidate.
- Students can only be selected if they are affiliated with an institution that has approved your employer.
- Students with a private profile cannot be selected.
- The student's email is included to help differentiate students with the same name.
Tip: include a message in the Message textbox to further personalise your message.
3. Once the candidate is selected, click the blue button Save in the lower-right corner.
An email will be sent to the candidate notifying them that they have been added to meet with your company for the specified slot.
Invite candidates to book meetings
1. To invite candidates to book a meeting, click the blue button Invite in the top-right corner of the page.
2. In the pop-up modal, select the required number of sessions a student can book.
- The maximum number of sessions is equal to the amount of hosts on the schedule.
- For instance, if the grid view shows 3 columns with hosts, the employer can request a student to book a maximum of 3 sessions, allowing for 1 session per host.
3. Next, click into the Candidates field, then select the candidates you want to invite.
Note: students with a private profile won't be able to be added to a time slot.
4. Depending on your preferences, either the message "Host information will be visible. You can update preferences in schedule settings." or "Host information will not be visible.
- You can update preferences in schedule settings" will appear in a blue banner at the bottom of the modal.
5. Once the candidates and the required number of sessions have been selected, click the blue button Send.
Alternatively, you can click the white button Copy Invite link to share your schedule via your preferred method (message, email, in a virtual fair session, etc.).
- The copied link can be shared with students affiliated with institutions that have approved your employer on Handshake, as well as students who do not have a Handshake account.
Handshake prompts students with an account to sign in and register. Students without a Handshake profile can register as a guest, then sign up for a session.
Once invited, students will receive an email notifying them that they have been invited to book a meeting. They will be able to review and book available sessions.
Learn more about Employer-hosted Schedules: Review Candidates.