If an approved interview schedule needs the requested room count updated, you can make the change in Handshake!
1. Click Interviews on the left navigation bar.
2. Use the column headers to locate the desired interview schedule, then click on the interview.
3. Click the Edit tab in the upper-right corner of the Interview Details page.
4. Click the Timeline tab in the lower part of the page, to the right of Basics.
5. Click on the date for the interview schedule you'd like to update.
6. Enter the number of rooms in the text box titled Reserved Room Count in the pop-up.
Note: if the number surpasses the limit you've set of rooms to be reserved per interview schedule, you will get a warning. To override the limit, Click "Ok" and then"Update Date" when complete.
7. Click Next to proceed to the following tab, or click the Preview tab to confirm the information displayed on the page.
8. Click the green button Save in the lower part of the Preview tab to update the room count!