Students are only allotted one time slot per an interview slot. If a student needs to reserve more than one interview slot, we recommend the following for each situation:
- If only one student on the schedule needs to be added to two interview slots, extending the time on one of the slots will cover the time of two interviews.
- Example: if the schedule has 30 minute interview slots but the employer would like to interview a student for two of those slots, adjust the slot time to 60 minutes and add the student to that particular slot.
- For more information on this workflow, refer to Changing an Interview Slot Time.
- Note: once the time is added to the slot, the student will not want to swap slots with another student since the time allocation will not align.
- Check out Interview Slot Swaps in Handshake for more information on this process.
- Example: if the schedule has 30 minute interview slots but the employer would like to interview a student for two of those slots, adjust the slot time to 60 minutes and add the student to that particular slot.
- If all students on the schedule are needing two interview slots to meet with different interviewers, creating a "Flip Flop" schedule will allow the students to do this.
- Example: if the student meets with each interviewer for 30 minutes, the total slot time will be 60 minutes.
- To create a Flip Flop schedule, follow the steps outlines in Managing Flip Flop Schedules in Handshake.
- Example: if the student meets with each interviewer for 30 minutes, the total slot time will be 60 minutes.
As a career services user with the Interview Schedules role in Handshake, you have the ability to add a student to a second interview slot if needed. On the Interview Details page:
1. Click on the time slot the student should be added to.
2. Enter the students name in the Student search bar within the pop-up.
3. Click the blue Save button in the lower right corner of the pop-up to save.
Note: we do not suggest this workflow, as the recommendations above should resolve any issues.
Once the student is added to a second interview slot, both they will be displayed on the students schedule.
Important: students can only check themselves into one interview slot. As a career services user, you will need to manually mark the student as checked-in for the second interview.
To mark a student as checked-in from the Interview Details page:
1. Click on the interview slot time.
2. Click the box under Checked In? within the pop-up to manually set the student as Checked In.
3. Click the blue Save button in the lower right corner of the pop-up to save.
Important: if a student has two interview slots reserved in Handshake, it is not recommended they swap slots with other students. When a swap is requested, the student with two slots is notified that someone has requested to swap interview slots with them, however, the system does not confirm which slot time was requested.