If you need to archive a set of student accounts that no longer attend your institution, you can do so via the Importer.
When an account is archived, the email address associated with the account remains in Handshake, preventing any other student account from being created with that same email.
Click on the expandable headers to learn more about the process.
If you need to update graduating students to alumni, we recommend following the steps outlined in Importer: Updating Graduating Students to Alumni.
To archive accounts via the Importer, one must have access to the Importer tool. If you don't currently have access to the Importer tool, refer to Importer: Gaining Access.
Preparing the file
To archive students, the file must contain headers for all of the required fields used in a standard upload. Additionally, you'll need to add a column for disabled, and set it to TRUE.
Important: while all of these headers are required to be present, only email_address, username and disabled are required to have values in the columns under their headers. The rest of the columns can be left blank under the headers.
For an example, use the following specifications below, or refer to the example .csv file attached at the the bottom of the article.
Header |
Description |
email_address | Student's Handshake account email |
username | Student's username (must match what's in Handshake) |
auth_identifier | Student's auth identifier for SSO (must match what's in Handshake) |
first_name | Student's first name (required only for new records) |
school_year_name | The student's existing school year that is listed in Handshake. |
primary_education:cumulative_gpa | The student's cumulative GPA listed in Handshake. Please contact support if you are not able to include this information in your file. |
primary_education:major_names | The student's listed major(s) that are populated on their Handshake profile. |
primary_education:education_level_name | The student's education level that is populated on their Handshake profile. |
disabled | Set to "TRUE" |
To learn more about the required fields in a standard upload, refer to Importing Student Data.
Importing the file
Use the process outlined in Importing Student Data to load your file into the Importer, and successfully run it.
If you need to reactivate a student account in Handshake, refer to How to Reactivate an Archived Student.