If your institution has multiple career centers in Handshake, you can filter the displayed interview schedules by Career Center.
To access an interview schedule at a specific career center:
1. Click Interviews on the left navigation bar. On the Interviews page, if your institution has more than one Career Center configured, light gray text will indicate either viewing all Career Centers or which specific Career Center is currently selected (to the right of the page heading in the upper-left corner).
2. Click the blue linked text Edit this.
3. Within the pop-up, click the radio button next to the Career Center you want to access, or click All Career Centers to display information for all.
Room Availability
In order to update room availability, you'll need to have the relevant Career Center selected on the Interviews page and be connected to that Career Center in your User Settings.
If you're unable to edit the room availability:
- ensure you've selected that Career Center only.
- check your User Settings > Personal Information and confirm the relevant Career Center is listed.
- For more information, refer to Career Services User Settings: Personal Information (Profile).
Interview Request
If an employer has requested a schedule, but you aren't able to locate the request, make sure you're:
- filtering on the Career Center the interview is connected to.
- not filtering on another status (such as Completed or Approved).
- viewing the correct date range (and that the interview schedule doesn't have a date in the past).