In Handshake, you can generate an email to Job contacts or creators from the Jobs postings overview page.
1. Click Jobs from the left navigation bar.
2. This will load the Pending jobs tab, so you will need to click on Approved/Declined/Expired as needed to select from those jobs instead.
3. Select the job or jobs that you would like to include in this email by putting a check next to the ID(s).
4. From the bulk action ellipsis drop-down, click Email contacts or creators.
5. Select the desired recipients of the email and click the Confirm button.
- Contacts: Any contacts on the job posting
- Creators: User who posted the job
- Myself
6. A new email will be generated–compose the email as desired. For more information on composing in Handshake, refer to Targeted Email: Creating and Sending.
Preselected recipients will be listed–click Next to finalize email details and proceed with sending.
For information on how to email other contacts (not on jobs specifically), refer to How to Email Contacts in Handshake.