Before engaging with an employee from a company of interest, you may want to learn more about the individual!
Handshake offers the option to access employer-users personal profiles directly on the platform.
Profiles may include employees' past work experience, educational background, a bio, and any professional affiliations. By viewing their profiles, you can gain valuable insights into the person you're about to connect with. Ultimately, this'll provide you with the advantage to craft a more personalized message and increase your chances of making a lasting impression.
Click on the expandable headers below to learn more about how to view employer user profiles.
Employers Company Profile Page
Click on the name of the user you want to view the profile for, or click the blue button View All Public Staff for a full list of users associated with the company.
Once selected, you'll have access to the employer users profile!
Note: if the employer user hasn't filled out their profile information, a message will state "Nothing added to profile yet."
A Message from your Inbox
If you received a message from an employer user in Handshake, you can access their profile directly from the message!
When viewing the message, click on the user's icon/picture to access their profile, or click on their name and title at the top of the message to open their profile in a new tab.
If you received an introduction message to connect with an advocate, you may also access the advocate's profile! Click on their name, located within the message, or the introduction banner to open their profile in a new tab.
Note: if the employer user hasn't filled out their profile information, a message will state "Nothing added to profile yet."
To send a message to an employer user after viewing their profile, click the button Message located in the upper-right corner of the user's profile page.
To learn more about sending messages to employers, refer to Messaging Employers in Handshake.