If you're interested in contacting employers via Handshake, we recommend using our messaging feature. Handshake is the only platform with a network of employers that have actively made themselves available to students. These employers want to connect with you and help you along in your career.
Messaging in Handshake provides a safe way to help you build relationships with employers. This not only communicates that you're a self-starter, but can also:
- Provide more details on a job you're interested in
- Offer an opportunity to learn more about the company
- Prepare you for interviews
- Answer any questions you may have
Click on the expandable headers to learn more about the benefits of messaging employers in Handshake and how to message to employers!
Messaging Benefits
There are several benefits to messaging employers in Handshake! For instance — those that have made themselves available can:
- Suggest jobs that may be a good fit for you
- Schedule time to meet virtually by sending their availability calendar
- For additional information, refer to Virtual Chats with Employers
- Include upcoming employer-hosted events or meetings
If you'd like to know more about which employers can initiate messages to students, or how employers identify students to connect with, check out Receiving Employer Messages in Handshake.
How to Message an Employer
If you would like to contact an employer whom you've never had an interaction with, you can message them via:
- An active job posting
- The company's profile page
- A message attachment*
Active job posting
If an employer has made themselves available to receive messages, you'll have the option to message the user directly from the job posting.
Click the blue button Send a message, located midway down the page under the section titled "See if this job is right for you"
Tip: ask about a role, company culture, or how to succeed in the application process.
A pre-written message will be displayed in the text box of the pop-up that states "I came across this job: [JOB TITLE - LINK TO JOB]".
Start typing your message in the text box after the pre-written message, or delete it and start from a blank slate. Once the message is complete, click the blue button Send message to send!
A confirmation pop-up will let you know that your message was sent. To review your message thread, go to your Handshake Inbox - for more information on accessing your messages, refer to How to Use Messages in Handshake.
For step-by-step instructions on how to apply for a job, check out Apply for a Job in Handshake.
Company Profile
Click on the name of the user you want to message, or click the blue button View All Public Staff for a full list of users associated with the company.
Once selected, you'll have access to the employer's user profile. Click the button Send message located in the upper-right corner of the page.
Within the pop-up, start typing your message, then click the button Send message once ready!
Message attachment*
Some employers may choose to attach a team member they recommend you connect with — this could be someone you've not yet interacted with from the company. If this happens, the employer will send you a message with the team member's profile attached.
Click Send Message below their name and job title in the message thread to start a conversation with the recommended team member. This will create a new message thread with that person.
To learn more about receiving messages from employers, refer to Receiving Employer Messages in Handshake.