If you've submitted an experience through Handshake, you can use this article to check the status of your experience as it moves through the approval process!
1. Click Career Center on the left navigation menu, then click Experiences.
2. All experiences that you've requested will be listed. Locate the experience you'd like to track, then click the blue button View Details.
3. Scroll down to the Approvers section. The status of your request is displayed below STATUS for both the Faculty Member and Internship Supervisor.
Experience statuses in Handshake include:
- Pending
- The Experience was submitted, and is awaiting action from the Approvers to begin.
- Approved
- All Approvers have approved the Experience.
- All Approvers have approved the Experience.
- Declined
- All or one Approver didn't approve the Experience.
- Expired
- The approval process has expired.
- Completed
- The Experience has finished.
For questions regarding the status of your experience, or your school's specific internship processes and guidelines, we recommend contacting your school's Career Services office.