Employers can request to host an event at your school at any time (provided they're approved at the school and granted the role of "Post Events").
These events may be hosted on-campus, off-site, or virtually. For more information on the creation process from the employer perspective, refer to How to Create an Event.
Note: employer-requested events cannot be duplicated. Only events created by your career services office can be duplicated.
Approving Event Requests
1. Click Events on the left navigation bar to review pending requests.
2. All future events that are pending and approved will be displayed — this includes events requested by employers, and those being hosted by your institution.
Use the filters on the left of the page to narrow down the displayed results. Filters include:
- Keyword search
- Location search
- Date (range)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Status
- Approved
- Cancelled
- Declined
- In Progress
- Pending
- As of 06/06/2022, this filter no longer lists the number of events for each status.
- Format
- In-Person
- Virtual
- Type
- Host
- Creator
- Career Center
- Tip: if your institution has configured career centers, employer-hosted on-campus events must be linked to a career center.
- Employer Host Industry
- Tip: since employer-hosted virtual events cannot be linked to a career center, use this filter to narrow down results relevant to your career center!
- Labels
- Not Labels
- Include Past Events — check this box to display past events as well as events hosted "today" or a future date that are listed on the page by default.
- Include Declined Events — check this box to include declined events as well as the pending or approved events listed on the page by default.
Note: you can Approve/Decline event requests directly from this page by clicking the gray button Yes to approve, and the gray button No to decline, located to the right of the events information.
3. Click on the name of the event you'd like to review, and load the Event Overview page. Information on the Overview page includes:
- A comment box
- Note: comments posted on the event are viewable by other Career Services staff, the employer, and students (if the event is approved).
- A red button Decline
- A green button Approve
- Date
- Hosted by
- Event Type/ Description
- Participating Schools
- Participating Employers
- Registered
- Checked In
- Invited
- Label
- Preview Link
- Join Event
- View & Add Notes
- Download Attendee CSV
- Preview Page
- Attachments
4. After reviewing the event information, click the Green button Approve to approve or the Red button Decline to decline.
Editing Employer Events
Events hosted by employers can be edited by your career center only if the event is hosted on-campus. If the event is hosted off-campus or virtually, you won't be able to make edits to the event. For more details, scroll down to the Off-campus and Virtual events section below.
Note: employer-requested events cannot be deleted by a Career Services user or the employer. If an employer-requested event needs to be deleted, please reach out to our Support Team for assistance.
The event Host/Creator cannot be changed once the event has been created.
- If an employer user creates and requests the event, the employer's company will be listed as the host.
- If a career services user creates an event on behalf of the employer, the institution will be listed as the host.
On-campus Events
When an event is hosted on campus, there's an Edit tab in the upper-right corner of the page. Click on the Edit tab to make changes to the event.
You'll be taken to the Events creation page. Make the updates needed, then click the blue button Update in the lower-right corner of the last page to save!
Note: if you make changes to the event, we recommend looping the employer in on the changes made to ensure alignment!
Off-campus and Virtual Events
When an event is Off-campus or Virtual, you won't have the option to click edit — only the employer will be able to edit these events.
If you find that edits need to be made to the Event, you can follow up with the employer directly — just keep in mind that comments posted on the Event are viewable by other Career Services staff, the employer, and students (if the event is approved).
The event location is identified either with an address for off-campus, or with Virtual Session for virtual events.
- An example of an Off-campus event with the event's address displayed:
- An example of a Virtual Event: