There may be situations where an employer is required for a feature on Handshake but the employer hasn't signed up for a Handshake account yet. These situations might include needing to add an employer to an event, career fair registration, job posting, or interview schedule. For these circumstances, careers services users can create company profiles on behalf of the employers.
Before proceeding with creating an employer, ensure that you have the Manage Employers role for your account. You can learn more about this role in School Settings: Career Services Staff Roles and Permissions
To create an employer, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on Employers under Relationships on the left navigation bar.
2. Click on the button Create Employer in the upper-right corner of the page:
3. Complete the fields for the employer.
- Every text field is required: Except for those listed as (optional).
- For Employers that do not have a dedicated website: A LinkedIn/Yelp/Facebook/social media page dedicated to their business will suffice for this field.
- For Employers that do not have a corporate domain and are using a generic email address: You can enter in the business name followed by .com, such as "". If you run into any issues with this field, please reach out to our Support Team for assistance!
- When adding the Location: Select the best address option from the list of suggestions. If the exact street address isn't available, you're welcome to just use the city and state!
- On-campus employer: Select this only if the account you're creating is an On-campus employer account. Learn more here: On-Campus Employment Options in Handshake
Note: You can add an EIN and location when creating a company profile but you will not be able to edit this afterwards. If you wish to edit an employer's EIN or location, please contact support.
4. When you're finished, click Create Employer in the lower right corner.
Note: Once the company has been created successfully, you'll need to set the desired permissions and approve the company profile at your school. To learn more about this, refer to Employers Page Overview