The Handshake Point of Contact permission is recommended for anyone on your team who should stay informed / receive emails directly from Handshake!
Staff members will receive key communications from our team, which may include major updates, requests for input, or calls to action. Example emails include:
- Product updates
- Email campaign announcements
- Webinar timelines
- Event invitations
Note: assigning the Handshake Point of Contact permission doesn't mean the staff member will be shown on your institution's profile.
Staff member profile visibility is managed via Other Settings > Public Profile permission.
- If a staff member is granted the Public Profile permission, their tile in the Staff Management page will include blue text "Point of Contact".
- For more details, refer to School Settings: Career Services Staff Roles and Permissions.
For information on the Manage Feature Releases permission instead, refer to "Manage Feature Releases" Permission for Career Services.
To manage who has the permission Handshake Point of Contact, log into your Handshake account and follow the steps below.
- Note: only staff members who have the Manage Staff role will be able to assign roles to other staff members accounts. If you do not have this permission, please reach out to your team's Handshake administrator to request access.
1. Click on your name in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click School Settings.
2. Click Staff Management from the menu on the left of the page.
3. Locate the name of the staff member who should receive emails from Handshake and click Manage to the far right of their name, then click Edit User from the dropdown menu.
4. Click Roles from the menu on the left, then click the blue link Show Permissions, below the Permission Group tiles in the middle of the page.
5. Check the box to the left of Handshake Point of Contact, located under the Advanced Settings section of the page, then click the blue button Save at the bottom of the page.
Tip: review who has this permission at any time from the Staff Management page in School Settings – use the "Roles" filter and check "Handshake Point of Contact". This will display all staff members who are designated as a Handshake Point of Contact.