We're excited to share changes to the appointment kiosk, live in June 2020!
Appointment Only Kiosk
When launching a new kiosk from the Appointments Overview page, you'll see the last option allows for an "Appointment Only Kiosk". This will only display appointments for your career center, and no other events, fairs, or on-campus interviews that may be occurring simultaneously.
New check-in view
When students enter their email into the kiosk, they will be presented with a new view which may vary, depending on if the kiosk is launched is a general kiosk or for appointments only.
If a student is checking in for a drop-in appointment, students will no longer see the option to select drop-in. They will see categories to choose from, then can select from drop-in enabled appointment types on the next page.
Here's an example of what those categories and types could look like:
Offline Mode
If your kiosk is launched, and you happen to lose access to internet, the kiosk will continue to function in Offline Mode. You'll see that Offline Mode is working via a banner at the top of the kiosk page.