After you've created a resource, you can display the resource on students' homepage by pinning it. You can also decide the order the resource will appear in the students' perspective of the Resource Library. This article will explain how to set the position order and how to pin a resource.
To access the Resource Library in Handshake, click Resources under the Communicate Category in the left navigation panel.
Click on any published resource on the Resource Library page to set the position or pin the resource.
Setting the Position Order
On the right side of the screen, you can set the position order by clicking in the box next to Set position in library
Enter any number above 0. The higher the number, the higher priority/position this resource will have. For example, a resource with the position 2 will be located higher than the resource with the position 1.
Pinning a Resource on the Student Homepage
On this same page, you can pin the resource to student's homepage. To do so, click View next to Pinned to student's homepage.
This will redirect you to a qualifications page. Here, you can choose from the following options to decide which students will see this resource on their homepage:
Level of Study: Select one or more level of study to determine which of those students will see this article on their homepage.
Course Groups: Select Course Groups as a qualification.
Colleges: Choose colleges as a qualification.
Required Labels: The labels that students will need connected to their account to access this as a pinned resource on their homepage.
You'll be directed to the Pins page under your Institution Settings. This lists all items that have been pinned on the student homepage. No action is required here:
Student perspective for pinned items
If a resource is pinned, it will appear on the student homepage. Depending on what else is listed on your institution's student homepage, students may need to scroll down to access the resources section. Here's an example of what might be displayed for your students: