Are you interested in assigning a group of students to a particular room in an interview schedule you are managing in Handshake? This is a common workflow for accounting firms and works great if you have one job posting but still want to separate candidates by interviewer or room.
When you are selecting candidates you now have the option to bulk assign students to groups that are customizable. I have included an example of assigning students to interview groups below based on location, however, you can create groups for other reasons as well.
Assigning students to a group based on location of the position:
- Click Interviews on the left navigation bar
- Click Review Applicants at the top of the screen
- Check the students that should be in an interview group
- Click Bulk Actions on Checked Items
Add Students to Interview Groups
- Choose a group that has already been created or Create a New Group
- Once you have added students to the correct interview group, you will need to assign that same group to the slots that those students can sign up for
- Click Details from the tabs at the top of the screen
- Select the slots that you would like that group of students to be able to take
Bulk Edit Slots (this option is only available to Career Staff - Employers can do this by clicking slots individually)
Choose the group from the list of groups and jobs associated with this schedule. For example, a group for those interviewing in San Francisco (listed below) vs. a different group for those interviewing in Chicago.
- Now only students assigned to that group will be able to take a slot with that group assigned!
Tip : You might also consider using room name or interviewer name as an interview group to keep your schedule organized.
Please feel free to check out our video tutorial here: Interview Schedules Groups