Curation is a process that can help you with streamlining your Handshake experience. Specifically, you can curate how your institution handles employer collections, job-based approvals, and other aspects of employer management!
This resource includes our recommended articles to help with your curation process.
Institution Settings
- Handshake’s Institution Settings: Use the articles on this page to set up various aspects of your institution’s settings. Notable articles include:
- EDU: Collections Overview: Learn about collections: How to add and remove employers and job postings to collections and share collections with students.
- Creating and Customising Collections: Create your own collections and edit existing collections!
Employer Relationship Management
- Employers and Jobs System Setup and Managing Employers: Provides a checklist to follow as you develop relationships with employers on Handshake.
- Processing Employer Approval Requests using Job Based Approvals: Curate which employers will have their job postings automatically approved, and gain insight on how to approve employers through approving their job postings.
- Proactively Find and Approve Employers: Have an employer you already know you want to approve? Use this article to find an approve that specific employer!
- Employers Page Overview: Use the Overview page to add labels, add the employer to a collection, and review notes related to the employer.
- Institution Settings: Default Employer Approval Preferences: If you already know which permissions you’d like to give most employers, set up the default permissions given to employers when they’re approved.