First destination data helps students navigate the workplace and proves the impact of Career
Services. Handshake’s FDS tool is user-friendly and increases response rates by up to 3x.
One method that has proven tried and true to increase First Destination Response rates, is to leverage on-going events with graduation final year students. With the addition of the FDS kiosk, you can use on-campus events to increase response rates without students needing to log into their Handshake accounts!
Make the Most of Graduation
Campus Events
Campus is bustling with end of year parties, concerts, and celebrations. Make sure the Career Centre and FDS is part of the fun! Contact the organiser to see if you can station near the entry point with iPads for survey completion or put a link on their website.
Buzz in High Traffic Areas
Set up a table with iPads and posters in high traffic areas like the student union, cafeteria or the quad and ask students to complete the survey in exchange for something sweet or a cold beverage.
Free Coffee
If there’s a popular coffee spot on campus, promote free coffee for those who complete survey for 1-2 hours over the course of a week. This will recreate buzz, awareness, and increased traffic each day, which benefits students, coffee shops and the Career Centre. This tactic is more expensive, but definitely effective.
Buddy Up with Professors
Ask academic staff to promote the FDS survey in their lectures. Again, remind them of the benefit to students.
Tie FDS to key milestones.
Before students graduate, catch them at opportune times...
Cap & Gown
Set up a table where students pick up their cap and gown. While they’re waiting in line, collect their responses.
Commencement Rehearsal
Commencement rehearsals have been very successful for our customers.
Graduation Events
Graduation events are another great opportunity.
Book Returns
Post up by the bookstore to engage students returning books. Giveaways to students who complete the survey. "What are you doing Next?” and invite them to share.
Did you know...
Princeton requires their students to complete FDS in order to get their caps and gowns, resulting in a 98% response rate!
Learn how to Launch the FDS Kiosk next!