If you'd like to communicate with event or fair attendees, use the steps below to guide you through that process.
Events: email student attendees
1. Navigate to the event in Handshake. Use the direct link if you have it; if not, click Events from the left navigation bar, then click the event from the list.
Tip: use the filters on the left to quickly locate the event!
2. On the event overview page, click Email Attendees.
3. Click the radio button to select the desired email recipients in the popup that appears.
- If the event hasn't occurred, or was less than 30 days ago, you'll have the option to email:
- All Invited or Registered or Checked In
- All Invited
- All Registered
- All Checked In
- Registered and Checked In
- Invited but not Registered or Checked In
- Registered and not Checked In
- If the event occurred more than 30 days ago, you'll have the option to email:
- All Registered
- All Checked In
- Registered or Checked In
- Registered and Checked In
- Registered and not Checked In
Note: you can no longer target "invited" attendees after 30 days of the event.
4. Once you've selected recipients, click Create Email to generate a new email in Handshake.
Fairs: email student attendees
1. Navigate to the fair in Handshake. Use the direct link if you have it; if not, click Fairs from the left navigation bar, then click the fair name from the list.
Tip: use the filters on the left to quickly locate the fair!
2. On the fair overview page, under the Actions menu heading, click Email Student Attendees.
3. Click the radio button to select the desired email recipients in the popup that appears.
- If the fair hasn't occurred, or was less than 30 days ago, you'll have the option to email:
- All Invited or Registered or Checked In
- All Invited
- All Registered
- All Checked In
- Registered and Checked In
- Invited but not Registered or Checked In
- Registered and not Checked In
- Registered and no sessions
- this option is only available for virtual fairs
- Tip: use this selection to encourage session signups!
Reminder to fair co-hosts: this message will only be sent to your institution's students!
- If the event occurred more than 30 days ago, you'll have the option to email:
- All Registered
- All Checked In
- Registered or Checked In
- Registered and Checked In
- Registered and not Checked In
Registered and no sessions
- this option is only available for virtual fairs
Note: you can no longer target "invited" attendees after 30 days of the fair.
4. Once you've selected recipients, click Create Email to generate a new email in Handshake.
Fairs: email employer registrant/schedule representatives/representatives
Note: Emails are only supported for employer outreach regarding fairs. For events hosted with employers, you may comment directly on the event to communicate with the employer representative, but please note students will see your comments!
1. Navigate to the fair in Handshake. Use the direct link if you have it; if not, click Fairs from the left navigation bar, then click the fair name from the list.
Tip: use the filters on the left to quickly locate the fair!
2. On the fair overview page, click View Employers.
3. When viewing the list of registrations, use the filters at the top of the page to narrow down results. Put a check next to the desired registrations - once you've checked one, you'll have the bulk action Select All at the top of the list.
4. Click the bulk action More, then click Email Registrants/Representatives.
5. Within the pop-up that loads, you may select one or many of the following:
- Registrants: This is the individual that created the registration.
- Schedule Representatives: These are the employer users that are participating in a virtual fair schedule with Group or 1:1 Sessions.
- Representatives: These are individuals (could be either users or contacts) that are listed directly on the fair registration.
- Yourself: Receive an email for your records, or as an example of what employer recipients might receive.