On campus employment (OCE) is a great way to drive student engagement in Handshake. In many cases it can be a critical factor to engaging faculty and departments across campus.
This article outlines the two options for managing on-campus employment in Handshake
- Step 1: Before you get started
- Step 2: Pick an OCE model
- Step 3: On-campus Employment Designation
- Best Practices and Tips
Step 1: Before you get started
Ask yourself and your team a few key questions! This will ensure you have the right stakeholders involved in the decision making process. Ultimately, you know your institution best. Whiteboard your critical workflows and prioritise!
Who currently manages on-campus employment?
- Singular coordinator posting on behalf of departments?
- Individual departments autonomously posting positions?
- Which institutional policies and processes am I working with?
- Who are my key stakeholders?
- Is there already an existing "employer" account in Handshake? Will that workflow change?
Please note: A company account might have already been created for your "institution" by another department (Admissions office, Grad office, etc) if they used Handshake in the past to register for a fair and to recruit students at a different university.
This can potentially prevent you from connecting to or creating a profile. We usually recommend reaching out to the office who created or "owns" that existing account to determine if they should either:
- Merge with the new account you are creating OR
- (most common) Remain as a completely separate company + add a descriptive title (XYZ University: Admissions Office)
Once you determine the best path forward, select the on-campus option you'd like to leverage.
Step 2: Pick an OCE model
Option 1: Company Model to Manage On-Campus Employment
Key functionality:
- Each department is set up as their own separate company profile within Handshake
- Each campus department/office will manage their own staff and postings
- Handshake's Support Team will have to open up a set amount of domain spaces for each company
- The experience for on-campus employers with the company model will be very similar to those employers who are not affiliated with your campus.
- Usually best for campuses whose departments are used to/able to post positions and manage accounts on their own
- Most larger campuses use this option
Refer to On-Campus Employers: Company Model Configuration for detailed steps.
Option 2: Division Model to Manage On-Campus Employment
Key functionality:
- Each department/office will be created as a division in a single shared company account
- A designated account owner must approve all staff access
Divisions are not associated with contacts or users - instead connected to:
- Jobs
- Fair registrations
- Each staff member is able to see and edit jobs across the entire company profile
- Users can use divisions to filter and build saved search views
- Usually best for campuses where 1 or 2 coordinators have to post positions on behalf of several or all divisions
- The company model is typically easiest to support longterm, but this is another option if all postings are managed by a central POC
Refer to On-Campus Employers: Divisions Model Configuration for detailed steps.
Step 3: On-campus Employment Designation
When editing a company profile or creating a new company in Handshake, you can select or de-select the on-campus employer option. Selecting this and saving the changes you've made on the company profile will set the employer to an on-campus employer. De-selecting this will remove their on-campus employer designation.
You can learn more about this in On-Campus Employment Designation (Associated Institution).
Best Practices and Tips
- To connect your Career Services account to your employer account, sign up with the same email address that is associated with your Career Services account.
- It is strongly recommended that you use your institution name in the title of your company name.
- Once you've finished creating your account, we recommend sending invitations to all your staff members.
- Once your on-campus employment model is configured, inform your on-campus employers about the model you're using to help them get started. You can share this resource with them: On-Campus Employment in Handshake