If your institution uses TouchNet, please review the instructions below on how you can use the External ID to link and reconcile payment reports.
Downloading Invoice Report
1. In Handshake, select "Analytics" from the Left Navigation Bar.
2. Click on "Invoices" in the upper right hand corner.
3. Enter the following:
Start Date - specify date
End Date - specify date
* These dates are the date the registration was created not the date the payment was processed*
Payment Status - paid
Chargeable Type - Registration
4. Click "Get Invoice Report".
5. Click on link to download report.
Formatting Invoice Report
1. Open report.
2. Highlight column P.
3. Click on "Data" tab.
4. Select the "Text to Columns" option.
5. Click "Next".
6. Select "Comma' under the "Delimiters" section.
7. Click "Next".
8. Select "Finish".
9. Copy and paste "Charge Sessions IDs" to the newly created columns.
10. Add a new column the right of each one of the "Charge Session IDs" columns and name it "TouchNet Payment Amount".
Merging Reports
1. Open newly formatted Invoice Report.
2. Open report from TouchNet.
3. Copy contents from TouchNet report into Invoice report after the last column of the report.
4. Click on the first "TouchNet Payment Amount column".
5. Enter in your vlookup formula to pull in the information from the TouchNet report into the "TouchNet Payments Amount" column.