You can use Handshake to explore and register for Career Fairs! This article provides steps to register for an in-person career fair with a physical location!
If you're interested in participating in a virtual fair, refer to Handshake's Guide to Attending a Virtual Fair.
1. Click Events on the left navigation menu.
2. All events and fairs posted to your institution will load by default — click the white button Medium.
3. Add a check next to In-person, then click View results.
- If your institution has partnered with Handshake, these are fairs either hosted by your institution or that your institution is invited to participate in.
- If your institution has not yet partnered with Handshake, these are fairs hosted by partner institutions, but shared with you to participate in.
For more information on finding fairs of interest, check out Discover Events & Fairs in Handshake.
4. Use the magnifying glass icon and filters to find a fair of interest — Then click on the name of the fair to load the fair's overview page.
Information displayed on the fair's overview page includes:
- Date and time of fair (and sessions if applicable)
- Fair location - click the address to open the location in Google Maps
- Fair description
- Employer attendees - click See more Employers to access the full list of employers attending.
- Institution attendees - if other specific institutions are invited to the fair, they'll be listed in this section
- Contact - the point of contact from the host institution's Career Centre
5. To register for the event, click Join Event in the upper-right corner of the page. The button will automatically change to green and state Registered. This indicates you've registered successfully!
- To leave the event or hide your attendance, click the green button Registered, then choose the action you'd like to take from the dropdown.
- Note: if you choose to hide your attendance and the fair is hosted by your institution, your career services centre will still be able to discover you as an attendee. This option only hides your attendance from other students and employers.
If the fair is full, you'll have the following options:
Join Waitlist: click this to join the waitlist. A waitlist indicates the institution has set a limit for the number of students that can attend, and this number has been met.
- If you have joined the waitlist and space becomes available, you'll receive an email confirmation when you are registered for the fair successfully.
- Join Session: click this to register for a particular session within the fair.